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Siddharth's POV

I'm on my way to the maid's quarter to check upon Nandini.
Last night I had to let her stay there because of her miserably injured hands, as I and Nandini together had witnessed and overcome a grave danger once again.

I had agreed and confessed this before that she never fails to surprise me, but what she did last night was beyond my imagination. I know that she is an owner of a kind heart who never hold back herself to help anyone and a bearer of not only a beautiful body but also an impeccably beautiful soul, but last night what she did could have just got her killed.

The memory of last night flash on my eyes where I was stunned to see Nandini standing right in the middle of that killer and me. Holding the sharp blade on her delicate hands while her blood dripped out. Poor Nandini. She must have felt so much pain only to save a man who had just tormented her like anything.
I don't know what was her reason to save me, but the fact is that if I am right now alive and kicking, that's only because of her.

Reaching at the entrance of the room in the quarter. I saw Ushaji sprang up on her feet as soon as she spot me there. Nandini was sitting on the bed with both her palms wrapped with a white bandage. She, too, erected herself a little, being conscious.

" I have lots of pending work to look upon. I'll be back soon." Ushaji said softly to Nandini, but by the expressions reflecting on Nandini's beautiful face it was not difficult for me to read that she hated Ushaji for leaveing her alone with me.

Ushaji greeted by bowing a bit to me.
" Your Majesty ".

I, too, accepted it with a quick nod and a humble smile while she passed by to get out of the room.

Standing on my spot, I glanced at Nandini's bandaged hands again. Looking at poor her injured hands tore my heart into pieces.
Oh !! It really pains to see her like that, but I guess...... I will never be able to say it to her ever in my life.

" It's paining? " I asked a dumb question as I felt a little nervous to speak to her, especially when I was here to meet her only.

She nodded a little, looking down as her reply when I noticed a lock of her hair kept waving on her face due to the mild winds blowing. She tried to tuck it behind her ear but due to her bandaged hands it was not quite possible. So I went inside the room and stood closer to her. I leaned a bit, stretching my hand and With the help of my fingers I gently shift the lock of her waving hair behind her ear while Nandini grew conscious due to my closeness to her. Before pulling myself away , I looked at her and found her blankly staring right back at me. Our eyes stayed locked for some split seconds when she decided to look down. I than shifted two steps backwards and stood looking down at her.

"I couldn't sleep last night after whatever happened." I stated.
"Not because of the attack........ But because of YOU." I said, looking straight into her eyes. She too looked at me for a moment while her brows did a nose dive and again looked down at the bed.

" As far as I know, I am the most hated man in your life. And you see, by letting me die you would have easily gotten your freedom back. So, I want to know that why did you save me ... ?? " I asked.

"When I ask you questions, you never bother to answer atall. And now you are asking me one?? " She calmly gave a mean reply, looking elsewhere.

I could make out from her reply that just like me in the past, she too didn't wanted to answer my question.

What can I say ..... karma just hits back like this?

Sighing I slightly nodded my head in disappointment for remaining answerless. I just bowed my head and turned back to walk away, but before I could step out of the door she spoke.
" Unlike you. I don't believe in killing......... and ' PUNISHING' someone for no matter what." She emphasised the word 'punishing' giving me a verbal pinch through her words.

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