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Nandini's POV

It has been a few days since I have shifted here in the maid's quarter. I remember that day when he forced me to stay in his room. I was so damn scared of him and his sick idea of making me stay in the same.

A girl always holds her dignity and honor dearly and which she hands it over to only a man whom she gets married to.

If a girl is staying in the same room with an unknown man, she will always be worried and scared about possibilities of an attack on her most treasured values, and the same I did when I spent my first few days with him in the same room.

But after listening to Siddharth's story and after knowing about the shameful act done by my father - about what he did to his aunt, I somewhere somehow was internally thankful to Siddharth Veer for not even attempting to do the same horrible act with me in the name of revenge, where he could have easily done it and no one could have stopped him.

Yes , He did punish me, tormented me in many different ways, but now when I think about those, they rather sound like a child like punishments to me. But he never ever laid his hands on me where he could have just ruined me for being my inhuman father's daughter.

“ Princess !…. hurry. We all have to be at the palace's entrance.” Ushaji said in hurry, almost rushing in every direction.

“ Entrance..... ?? Why ?” I gave her a blank look.

“ Let's go. I'll tell you later.”
She said in her maintained panic tone.

Quickly we made our way there and Before I could ask her about what's going on, she took off to take care of her other jobs. I was totally clueless about everyone's presence in the entrance of this palace. It was like almost the entire palace was assembled here. I saw Siddharth Veer rush near the entrance, looking at the palace's gate in one straight gaze.

Why is everyone standing here ??  It seems everyone is waiting for someone's arrival, but who ??Soon we saw a troop of soldiers marching their way in palace yard followed by a giant elephant

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Why is everyone standing here ??  It seems everyone is waiting for someone's arrival, but who ??
Soon we saw a troop of soldiers marching their way in palace yard followed by a giant elephant.

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