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Siddharth's POV

Finally !! Back to home . It was a successful mission, a mission to provoke and achieve the target. It is so gonna fun to watch Shaktinand helpless when he will loose every inch of his land.

Whatever he has given to me and my father, I will return him all ...with instalments, and with utter pleasure.

Yesterday after coming to my palace I had immediately informed my head maid to arrange a wonderful stay for Nandini in our best guestroom. Later, I was informed about the same which urged me to meet the beautiful maiden yesterday itself. But unfortunately I got so engrossed and obstructed for the whole day because of my unavoidable tasks, that I just couldn't even take a glance of her for the entire day as well as evening.

But today I'm internally determined to not let anything stop me from meeting her. It's morning and right now I was getting late for my courtroom meetings. It was certain that in the morning I will have no time for her but I have already sent my massage to Nandini about meeting her in the evening. And I'm really looking forward for it.

Rest of the day past in blur, well 'BLUR' is just a word but a King has a hell lot of work to do. Time just flew, soon it was evening and I am almost in the verge of wrapping up for the day.

In the corner of my eye I saw Guruveer approaching he is our secret spy, very smart, trustworthy and loyal , in short he knows his job well.

I quickly dismissed my ongoing meeting so that I can hear what he has got for me. He started with all the informations about the current situation from everywhere. He kept on speaking and I, kept on listening attentively while looking at the space clasping my hands behind.

But.... suddenly he stopped in the mid of his sentence. Confused I rolled my eyes at him to check what was the reason of his interruption only to find him staring at something, over past my shoulder. With my knitted brows, I turned my head to check at what he was looking at so dumbfounded.

It was nothing, just Nandini standing a little far away from us, to meet me as per my request. She must have just arrived while I was listening to Guruveer.

When I saw Guruveer still staring at her , I could feel jealousy and anger erupting within me

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When I saw Guruveer still staring at her , I could feel jealousy and anger erupting within me. And Without thinking of anything, I instantly took some quick steps and reached to her.

"Can you please wait for me at your room ?? I'll meet you there. I just got caught up with something."

She looked confused at my words, for I knew why ,as I requested her to meet me...and now I was the one to sending her back. She nodded and without a word she walked away taking her slow step, like a floating cloud.

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