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Nandini's POV

Ushaji was gone. I knew she wouldn't have left me alone, but she had to, because she cannot disobey her king's orders. I stood on my spot which was very near to the door while my hunter stood in the center of his room.

Goosebumps crawled up my skin making me dead nervous as I stood alone in front of him, in his very room. Anxiety eating me alive with an only constant thought hammering my head , 'What's he going to do to me ? '.

From the distance he gazed hard at me as if I was some sort of prey to hunt. I gulped in fear when I watched him taking his slow steps toward me. His hands clasped back which rested on the little of his back.

Chills ran under my skin when he neared me in every passing seconds. But thankfully he stopped keeping an arm length distance between us, while I remained quiet being totally clueless. Than, Wordlessly he strode around my body as if estimating from where to pounce on his helpless prey while intimidating me by his constant stare without fail.

Once done circling around, he halted right in front of me still keeping an arm length distance between.
"Soooo, what was your question....???" He asked pretending as if recollecting something. " 'Who stays there', Right ??" He asked with amusement in his eyes which stared me without a blink.

"Well , Any guesses?? " He asked again in the same tone, his eyes only reflecting his hostile intentions. My lips still remained shut forming a straight line while my brows did a deep dive into my nose being puzzled as I was absolutely unaware about what was coming.

Than he abruptly turned a few steps towards the corner bed direction and spoke as if he was doing a huge favour for me.
" Okay. Let me lift the curtain of suspense for you ." and spread his hand mid air gesturing the room and announced now facing me, plastering his evil smirk.

"WELCOME TO YOUR NEW ROOM. I hope you enjoy your bed ." He added.

Hearing this, I looked at him being dumbfounded and to the tiny floor bed and again back to him trying to process the whole thing, what he just said.


" WHATTTT ...??!! " I said out loud.

What is he even thinking?? Is he out of his sane mind ?? In our culture no unmarried girls are allowed to be with any man in same room. And staying together is out of the question... Does he not know ?? These thoughts at once ran in a flash into my head.

" NO ! No can I stay here ?? NO WAY !! " I refused strongly being shocked.

"Oh !! ....tsk tsk tsk ..." he made a pitiful sound and chuckled mocking me " little fragile Princess....can't sleep in this bed ..huh ???"

" It's -- It's just not only about the bed --" I spoke desperately, trying to explain my point
" I-- I cannot stay here in the same room with you . I'm -- I'm a girl and how can I stay --- "

" ENOUGH !! " He barked cutting me in the middle. His hand raised up, palm facing me. His voice was so loud which not only startled me but echoed through out his huge room.

"You, are in no position to say anything. And I will make you do everything which is not agreeable to you. That's how I am planning to punish you. And don't forget one thing ever, that you are my possession. And your life is now lying on my mercy. " He said hurriedly entering my personal space and hovering over my face, burning me with his eyes.

" From today onwards you will stay here and do everything I'll tell you to."

Stating that he walked out of the room, leaving me gasping for breath while being horrified about this new change of place.

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