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Nandini's POV

Yesterday, I spent my whole day in the brightest place in the world, and that is the amazingly wonderful dungeons of this palace. I wouldn't have ended up there if that evil monster Shamdev haven't objected in the middle. Shourya was right, Siddharth Veer tried to let this go, at least this time. Weird, but he actually did.

Shourya was also right about forbidding me to not go out in this kingdom without Siddharth Veer's consent. For the matter of fact, I have never thought from this angle before that people of this kingdom may also try to hurt me. I can't thank Shourya enough for all his support and friendliness towards me. He is really a nice person and a sweet friend of mine. Not only that, but I would actually miss him, if I ever go back to my kingdom.

When we were back to his palace from 'the life taking adventure' of our unwanted forest-valley tour, I never thought that I would be delighted to see Siddharth Veer's palace in my life. When the chariot stopped at the entrances of this palace I saw all his Subordinates, maids and guards giving him a grand welcome while I had to sit in the chariot due to my bleeding feet.

All were busy welcoming their mighty King, Who would pay any attention to Me, a slave and
an enemy daughter?? Understanding the scenario, I was ready to drag myself to the maid's quarter to Ushaji for help, but coming down from the chariot was itself a big challenge for me.

Having no other option, I hence had to call upon a guard standing nearby, to give me a hand to at least get down from the chariot. I unsteadily got up and stood in the edge of the chariot's door, but before the guard could reach any closer, Siddharth Veer appeared in front of me like a ghost, looking up at me with his cold stare.

Just the way like he did in the forest, here too he came closer and lifted me in a bridal style in front of the entire palace, without seeking my permission like always. It was just so uneasy for me to be carried by him in front of everyone's presence, but he didn't seem to be bothered at all.

Yesterday after spending a whole day taking rest in the maid's quarter when I came back to my real place ..... which is, in his room. I was taken aback by the change, only to find my earlier uncomfortable bed, which was just a mat and a small pillow, was now replaced with a small comfortable bed with a soft and fluffy pillow which was exactly placed in the same place behind the thin curtain. I knew that it wouldn't have been possible without Siddharth Veer's order, for which I later thanked him for the same.

Swimming deep into my thoughts, I walked towards his room after meeting Ushaji for some errands. Reaching there, I noticed that the guards at the King's doors were missing, and it was unusually dark in the passage as if other maids has forgotten to light up the lamps in this area which never happened before. Feeling puzzled I further stepped inside the room only to witness darkness. Only one lamp was burning in the middle of the room which was not sufficient enough to lighten up the massive room of the King.

"What is going on ?? It's never this way before at this time. Why is it dark inside?? " I murmured to myself internally being confused.

Most of the room was black except for certain sections which were a little luminous due to the twilight entering from the window and the balcony.

I stepped further more and was about to pass by the door when Suddenly, somebody from my back tightly covered my mouth with his hand and snaked his another hand around my waist, pressing my back to his body.

I wriggled in panic to shout aloud, but he further tightened his hand over my mouth and whispered softly into my left ear.

" Ssshhhh !! Relax. This is me......but there is someone in the room. Do not make any noise ..... Okay?? " This was Siddharth Veer's voice and I breathed an air of relief.

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