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Siddharth's POV

It's good to see her flinch and trapped between the space of my hands. It's kind of satisfying. The sound of her gasps in fear is extremely gratifying to me0.

After the revelations of her truth everything has changed in me for her. I , now cannot be nice and gentle to her anymore, atleast not after knowing who she is. So , Guruveer was right, that this girl in front of me IS the daughter of Shaktinand.

Good God !! The thought of it is itself making me crazy with anger and amusement.

Still looking at her I said
" Ever since my childhood, I alway dreamt of destroying your father. Did numerous attempts to get to his throat,"  And chuckled a bit.
" Now see ....?? YOU, his the most precious thing in this world. His only dear daughter is now in my clutches. Even this universe's too with me to help me take my revenge. " I laughed hard again to the loudest pitch which startled every bit of the fragile Princess in front of me.

Hell !!'s damn amazing to scare her out , and those fearful expressions on her face are beyond my satisfaction.

" Now,Princess Nandini, get ready to for hell." I viciously spoke each and every word while still looking dangerously straight into her gray orbs. I backed off a little and released her from my trap while she remained plastered on the wall in fear.

Clapping a loud, I call out anyone whoever was out of the room. Immediately a maid servant appeared with her head bowed low.
" Your Majesty??" I heard a female voice from behind my back.

" Take her along " I ordered still fixing my gaze on Nandini. " And explain her all the works and duties of this palace. ESPECIALLY.......of 'MY ROOM'." Nandini's eye broadened even wider after hearing me emphasising the word ' My Room' , purposely hinting her worst days to come in this palace , with me . Some more tears rolled out of her eyes as she looked back at me with her horror struck face.

" From today onwards, she will render all her services to me as 'My Personal Slave'. Do you understand??" I informed the maid who stood there still with her heads bowed, listening to my words carefully.

Before the maid could answer Yes, Nandini weeped out.
" Please !....let me go!!....please! don't do this."
I repulsively gestured the maid to take Nandini away from my sight, cruelly ignoring her plea.


In the Kingdom of Shreemadpuri
Dasgupt's POV ( King Shaktinand's Subordinate)

After our Princess Nandini has gone missing Our King, Shaktinand has lost it all, not like he was in control before.

I am just a minor Subordinates who just works under him and I honestly fear him very much. It's not only me but everyone in this kingdom of Shreemadpuri does fear him. wWhat we fear his mood and his uncertain behaviour. Because we never know what pisses him off and whom he ends up killing to.

A King is person who is suppose to be the most respectful and honoured by all people but with a very heavy heart our king Shaktinand has never done anything to gain our respect or love .....infact he has all the time ruined his citizen's lives by imposing unnecessary taxes , strict rules , etc. I really feel sorry for our Queen, she too had suffered a lot because of his ill treatments.
The only person who got his love is our Princess Nandini but he never let her get a single hint of whatever hell he brings to his citizens .

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