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Siddharth's POV

It was all together an awkward situation where both of us were all alone in this cave of this unknown jungle.

I successfully again lit the fire inside this cave right in the middle of it. Nandini was sitting in one corner and I, on the another corner, exactly opposite of her. She was right in front of my eyes but as far as possible from me, just like our sleeping arrangements in my palace room.

 She was right in front of my eyes but as far as possible from me, just like our sleeping arrangements in my palace room

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Here they are sitting beside but in story they are sitting far across.

I kept glancing at her through the fire burning in the middle of our space, while She was busy checking every inch of this cave fearfully. The way she checked around like, if some ghost or a big hideous creature would appear in front of her any minute.

“Relax !! Nothing is going to attack you. Not in my presence.”  I said, looking at her with a straight face.

“I know, and I am not scared of anything except -- ” she said like a great warrior prince.
“ ......except for that one thing….”

So there's one. I appreciate the honesty. I thought  internally, talking to her in my mind.

“And what's that ?? “ I asked.

“No…. It's nothing."  she said, trying to avoid answering.

“ Come on say it."

“ It's a- a lizard.” she said hesitantly.
After hearing her, I couldn't suppress my chuckles, which slipped out of my lips.

“ See …. ?? That's why I wasn't telling about it. " She complained like a kid wearing a frown on her face while looking at me over the fire place.

“ Okay… I got it.”  I assured that I was no more making fun of her, but I couldn't stop smirking, so I had to bite  my lips to control it.

“ Anyway… you should get some sleep” I suggest to her, lifting my chin a bit.

She hummed to answer me and pushed herself back to lean on the cave wall and quietly closed her eye whereas for me, even though I was tired like hell, I have to stay awake for our protection.

As the night was passing, I could hear the howls and the calls of the animals out in the forest, which forced me to stay awake even when my eyes were eager to go into a complete darkness called sleep. I looked at Nandini, she was sleeping like a baby, but I noticed that her head was slowly tilting down sideways, but she lifted again as in her sleep as she was trying to keep her head steady.

As I was awake, I couldn't avoid what was happening in front of me and if this goes on like this, she gradually might hit her head and get hurt, which right now she has got many on her body. So I quietly went near and sat right next to her.

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