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Siddharth's POV

How can you be happy when the person you love is sad….??

But still secretly….
I was 'The happiest person right now'. I never could have imagined that something like that can even happen and that too by Nandini. And honestly, I was left flabbergasted about whatever happened just a few moments ago. But the biggest thing is, why would Nandini do that ?? Why she'd lied to her father ??, and not just any lie, A huge lie which destroyed her character in front of her father. Such a lie, which can surely make a father hate his own daughter forever…

Thousands of questions were popping in my mind right now Which can be only answered by her, but right now she is in her delicate state of mind and I would rather not dare cause her any more pain to her. So I am going to wait for the correct time.

Shaktinand just left from the Palace, leaving Nandini crying just like a small child, who got separated away from her patents in a deadly disaster.

Sitting next to her, many a times I thought of stretching my hand, and lightly place it on her shoulder. And let her know that I am here with her, and she's not at all alone. Let her know that I will always be with her, but I kept on withdrawing my hand back again and again while she cried closing her eyes and placing her hand on her chest as if it pained her there the most.

After a little while, Dhai Ma entered the courtroom. The look on her face, itself stated that she was highly confused to see the broken pieces of the huge lamp in the middle of the room, ..... the absence of Shaktinand... and  Nandini sitting on the floor leaning her back on the pillar behind her and crying helplessly, while I sat next to her on my knees looking at her sadly.

However, she must have understood the situation and without any question, Dhai Ma took Nandini further inside the palace.


In spite of pacing left and right in front of the guest room - which is now Nandini's room, I am waiting for Dhai Ma to come out which was feeling like forever as I'm just eager to rush inside the room where she is and beg her to clear all my doubts and questions which were bubbling up in my mind.

But I thought of giving a little more time to her and let her speak to Dhai Ma, as right now a woman to women talk is just the need of the time … But still being highly impatient and failing to stop myself, I just walked ahead and stood by the open door of the room without making them notice about my presence.

I saw Nandini's back as she sat on the bed facing to the window while Dhai Ma sat facing Nandini, now rolled her eyes to notice me standing by the door. It seemed that they were having some heart-to-heart talks, most probably about the current situation.

I could see that Nandini wasn't crying now, but she did looked very sad as seriousness and grief was airing around her. I was glad that Dhai Ma was here, especially at this point of time when an elderly person was very much needed around us to guide us both.

Watching me standing by the door, Dhai Ma spoke to Nandini, " If you don't mind Nandini, I am going to have some rest in my room, I'm not feeling a bit tired …. but I'll be back soon…”

Nandini lifted her chin sadly to look at her and nodded her head lazily, indicating 'okay '.

I think she doesn't speak much when she is hurt or sad, as this was a very new information which I just learned by my experience with Nandini.

" If you need me, just send a word. May God be with you my dear. " Said Dhai Ma placing her wrinkled hand lightly on Nandini's head and walked past me, leaving the room silently, and let me have a space to talk to Nandini.

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