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Siddharth's POV

They say water heals our mind and soothes our body.....

Whenever I use to be upset or lost, I use to come sit by this pool and looked into water. And whenever I did that, it always use to work like magic by calming my mind and helping me think straight.

So hence, here I am, dipping my feet in the water and looking at same for quite a long time, but I can't find even a slightest trace of peace this time. I came here straight from my room after witnessing an absolutely brainless and torturous event executed by 'The love of my life'.

I didn't know that she had such a talent to torture me like that. The way she looked at me as if like she owned me - like She had a grip over me which compelled me to surrender everything in front of her. And what could I have done when she was being all foolish by trying to kill herself for an exchange of some truth?

I always thought Nandini to be a fragile fearful girl with
Whatever the hell she did was literally insane of her...?? She did really scare the hell out of me. God...!! - what am I going to do with this girl?

I thought that I would tell her about my feelings after the wedding, but She literally clawed it out of my throat before the estimated arrival of the correct time.

I had never really given a thought about my wedding day but be honest, I didn't expected it to be this quiet with zero excitements, which is going to take place a day after tomorrow. The maids and servants have started preparing and decorating the palace for the very day according my instruction. And as It's just one day left for our wedding, and as bitter this fact is, Nandini is obviously sad..... because She is getting married to a person whom she doesn't love and which is also a forced marriage for her.

And if I talk about myself, I won't say that I am totally sad because at least I am getting a person in my life whom I want to see in front of me every day. But somehow, somewhere I AM , ..... because I am marrying a girl who doesn't love me and maybe will never love me ever in this life. As far as for 'Being excited ' is concerned .... My Dhai Ma is the one who is surely the one who is excited as well as happy for the day.


Last night I slept in the secret room of the pool, as I was trying to avoid another awkward encounter with Nandini in my room. And the reason was my embarrassment due to my forced confession to her.

It's next day afternoon, and I'm heading towards my room. Reaching there, I cautiously peeked in to check, if by chance Nandini was present in there. I may not show, but the truth is that, that I really go nervous around her, especially after yesterday, but before I could step in the room, I heard a call of a very tensed voice.

" Your highness...!! Your highness... !! " It was one of my Subordinates, who was right now looking highly anxious.

" What is it ...?" I asked, being confused with my furrowed brows.

" Your highness , your presence is very much needed in the courtroom - immediately ". He said in a very stressed up tone while catching up his breath.
By looking at his body language and hearing his tensed voice, I could very well gauge that something was majorly not okay..... So without asking any further questions, we both hustled towards the courtroom.

Reaching up there, the moment my eyes fell at the figure stood in the middle of my courtroom, my surprise and shock both knew no boundaries. He was shackled and surrounded with my soldiers who were holding spears, pointing towards him to keep him out and still.

The man in front of me had long black hair along with some gray locks mixed with it, which was quite visible and was tied up back. His built stronger and bulkier than me and his height taller than any men standing in this courtroom. In spite off being in his late fifties, he still had an excellent muscular physique Which could easily make any young man envy him. He was wearing a maroon coloured dhoti and same colour stole which hung from his one shoulder. A big golden crown, embedded with precious stones sat fitting on his head while some big golden jewelry which hung from his neck. The look on his face was such that it could give any kid a nightmare.

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