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Siddharth's POV 
It has been two days since we were thankfully rescued in one piece. Reaching to my palace, I almost slept for a whole day. I can't explain how happy we were to see my men coming to rescue us.

Even if some days has passed, but the memories spent with her in that forest is as fresh as a beautiful morning in my mind. Embracing her during the fall, her head resting on my shoulder, the tender touch while helping each other with the medicine, carrying her on my arms and everything was just so beautiful. I wanted time to just stop there so that I could always be with her like that.

After the silent confession done to myself about my feelings for her, I felt wonderful, as if I were floating high in the clouds going all dreamy about her like a teenager. Whatever I feel for her, I have never ever felt that way before. wherever I looked it was only her and her, even when I closed my eyes all I could see was her, looking deep into my soul.

This feeling of mine was so much intense that I just wanted to touch every inch of her skin, kiss her nape, her lips, embrace and hold her tight. I wanted to feel the warmth of her body marking her mine and fill her up inside with my strong aroused sense only to hear her sweet and painful moans beneath me. 

And that's when suddenly a fateful memory of Shaktinand killing my father flashed before my eyes, and at once I was  again filled with rage and anger. And as a result I vented my anger on Nandini when she was just being kind and nice to me in that cave. Guess what ?? ..... again a jerk move by me.

It always happens to me that whenever I attempt to have soft feelings for Nandini, my guilt take possession of me for not staying loyal to my father and feel selfish of me at the same time, for holdings feelings for the daughter of my father's killer. And this same things happens when I am in my revenge mode and hurt Nandini, my soft feelings for her clutches me again only leaving me with my guilt. And the cycle of this weird dilemma keeps on repeating like this everytime for which I always fail to do anything about it.

After reaching here, before entering the palace I received a grand welcome. That was nice of my people, but I was so engrossed with my people's welcomes and the interactions that I almost forget that poor injured Nandini was still waiting to get down from the chariot. So, I went to her and carried her straight inside the palace. I know what my people must have thought about it and I know how embarrassed Nandini was, but when it comes to her, I DON'T CARE.

I instructed Ushaji to take care of her and not to allow her to work much, and forcefully make her rest even if she doesn't want to because she also has gone through a lot.

Thinking about her rest and comfort, I placed a proper, comfortable and a soft bed instead of that mat a thin pillow on which she use to sleep because of me.  Last time I checked on her, she was looking fresh, radiant, and beautiful… and hot…. like too much hot .....,(Thoat clearing, blinking to get hold on my thoughts) What I mean is, she was doing good.

Now I am heading towards my courtroom as so many cases awaits for me to be heard. My people of this kingdom were sad and heartbroken to hear the news of my accident, but after watching me safely returning to my palace through the royal paths, I saw how happy they were to have me back.


“It was difficult for us to run the kingdom without you, Your majesty. We all Thank God for returning us our King all safe and sound.” Said one of my Minsters as the court meeting just got over and were yet about to leave shortly.

“Yes, very much. People of this kingdom were in so much grief to hear the news of the dreadful accident. " stated the other one while others agreed to him as an honest agreement to that sentence.

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