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Siddharth's POV

" Your Highness. You wished to see me ?? " asked Shamdev, clasping his hands as he appeared before.

"Yes. The message I had asked to send, is it delivered??"

"Yes, your highness. I sent my men right on that day itself." He said sincerely.

"What happened to you there??" I queried noticing his bandaged arm.

" Oh!! Nothing just a slight cut while practicing" he replied but I don't know why, I felt a wave of nervousness washed over him in a flick of a moment.

" Take well care of that." I stated being concerned as he is one of the most loyal and trusted man in this kingdom.

" Well then, get our troops ready for the journey. We'll  head tomorrow itself. It's been long since I have last seen her." I said, holding my hands together behind my back while looking out in the space in my lawn.

" Very well, your highness." replied he obediently.

" She wanted to come visit here, but that much journey will not be favorable for her. And I cannot be that busy that I'm not even able to take a little time out to meet her." I said being thoughtful.

"Right, Your highness. "

" You may go now. " I said politely dismissing our meet.

Here the 'She' I am talking about is my sweet and lovely Dhai Ma ( Dhai ma is a midwife or a nurse-mother). After my parents demise she is the most respectful person in my life right now.
Ever since I have lost my mother, Dhai ma has always been there and took care of me in my childhood and always loved me as her own. I too love and respect her more like my mother. She doesn't keep well these days due to her growing age, so I don't want her to travel all over here just to see me.

I have many a time insisted her to stay here for good, but she wants to be in ashram (a God's place or a place where a group of Hindus live together away from the rest of society, or a place where Hindus can go to pray) as she finds it peaceful living there in her old age and for which I cannot force her much.

"Your Highness....." Shamdev called, bringing me back from my thoughts. I was surprised to still find him here, standing beside me.

" You still here?? Is there anything you want to talk about??"

"Yes, my lord. It's about the slave of yours ...." He said.

" Slave.... ?? Who are you talking about??" My brows pinched as I couldn't understand what was he talking.

"Its about that Shaktinand's daughter.." Shamdev said with his eyes reflecting disgust and hatred for her.
" What is it? " I went curious.

"Your highness. I must dare say that you might want to restrain your slave's freedom a little bit."

"What do you mean by that ??" I narrowed my eyes.

"She's been visiting the forest too much these days." he informed in his complaining tone.

" Oh !! That." " She was just following my orders. " I said casually, but still, the curiosity lurked in my mind.

"I am sure your highness, your order does not include, meeting someone in the forest secretly ?? The slave of yours is meeting someone there. A masked soldier from our palace. I wanted to catch him red-handed, but I thought that before taking any step it will be better to enlighten you about this matter."
I was covered with cold sweat and felt uneasy after listening to him. How the hell he came to know about this .... ?? But anyway, Thank God he didn't took any step of his own or else everything would have ended being messed up.

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