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After practice we all went to cafe to have our lunch and to talk about our Fall vacation how we're spending it..
SUNI: I'm reading novels and I completed 7 of them in this week
Suni replied as she was ask about her day
BEOMGYU: Yeoniie don't be too much in books it will make you look like a nerd
He joked as usual, he loves to annoy Suni
CHAEYEONG: Gyu stop it now you are annoying her since we enter here
That's how they started arguing and others just faceplam themselves until
Everyone flinch by yeonjun's yell. They were glad noone was there in cafe at that moment
SUNI: Thankyou oppa I appreciate you stand for me but I can never be a nerd with this beautiful face as you know I'm WORLD WIDE BEAUTIFUL..
Everyone laugh at her as she just stated the truth and her ayego which noone can resist.
YUNA:Me and Kai will be get going as we need to shop some stationery.
TAEHYUN:Me and Ryujin will join you too is it okay??
KAI:Well more the merrier
SOOBIN:Okay then we will heading home as its quite late now. Let's drop you home Suni baby okay??
SUNI:Okay oppa


Oppa's and unnie's drop me home and I was excepting to take a nap as it is still early for eomma to come. I rang the bell and eomma open it. I was shocked too see her early as it is just 4:24pm right now she usually be home at 7:00pm
SUNI: Eomma you early today??
I asked as I removed my shoes
MOM: Ohh yea I told na I want to tell  you something.
SUNI: ohh yess I forgot hehe
MOM: let's sit and talk
MOM: so the thing is
SUNI: eomma be fast I'm so impatient
MOM: hehe its I have a boyfriend please baby don't be angry
SUNI: eomma why I would be angry I'm happy as I'll get a father now yeye
I told as I hug her
MOM: I don't wanna you to get angry later but he also has 7 sons
SUNI: ohh okay I don't have any problem
MOM: we're meeting them today at 7?? Be ready by then okay??
Mom giggle at my reply and trust me even if I'm sad that she will get married to him but sideways I don't wanna make her sad she is the only thing I have which I treasure
SUNI: BTW eomma since how long you dating??
Mom: since 2 years
Really 2 years and she is telling me now
SUNI: eomma why didn't you told me??
MOM: baby earlier I thought it will be obsession and it will went away but no it was love I'm sorry baby
SUNI: eomma don't be sorry it's okay
SUNI: are you both gonna get married??
MOM: huhh??
She was taken aback by my question but she replied
MOM: we're planning to
SUNI: I'll be happy mom to see in white gown
I was genuinely happy for her


???: Ms.Im call the boys
Ms.Im: Yes sir
Ms.Im went on 3rd floor to call boys
She knocked on play room door and door was open by ???5
???5: what happen Ms.Im??
Ms.Im: Young master sir had called you all downstairs
???5: okay tell we're coming
Then ??? heard footsteps and he looked up to see his sons coming down
???7: What happen appa?? Do we've new mission???
DAD: no no I wanna tell you guys something important
???1: what is it appa??
DAD: I'm telling be patient Jin so the thing is I've girlfriend and we're deciding to get married soon
The glass which ???6 was holding broke while his hand started bleeding
He ran away from their along with Jin RM and J-Hope
Suga and other 2 maknaes are only there holding no emotion
???6: are you serious appa??
DAD: Jimin I'm serious baby and I want you guys to behave tonight as they're joining for dinner. Jungkook and Yoongi make them understand and yea also her daughter is coming
They to left the place while dad was feeling guilty as his son is injured because of him


Is he serious right now??? How can he do that?? As I enter my room I throw a hard punch on wall and it started bleeding more. I started crying hard by remembering eomma and my bear?? While I was crying Jimin came he knows how much I have suffered since last 13 years he consled me and when I was feeling little better he told me that appa's girlfriend has daughter which make me throw more punches but he stop me treated my hands and tell me to sleep and slept by hugging my bear's picture


Me Namjoon and Hobi enter my room I know we're not in talking condition now as we still miss our mom everyday. Still we used to manage ourselves except for Tae. We try hard for him to speak but he don't speak much always stays calm which make me worry about him more I wanna talk to him but I'm not in good condition to talk to him right now I was in middle of my thoughts when door swung open by yoongi and JK
I think Jimin went to Tae and I'm glad he is there with him. Next what Yoongi told turned our blood cold daughter??? Is he serious nowww???
Whyy God whyyyy???
JUNGKOOK: I think we should atleast listen to appa about this girlfriend thing like-
He was cutoff by Jimin entering
JIMIN: Have you lost it JK!!!
JIN: Is Tae okay??
JIMIN: I made him sleep hyung you don't stress yourself much
I nodded
NAMJOON: I think JK is right let's talk peacefully to appa and then we should react
JIN: Okay let's go to appa's study


They enter in the study
J-HOPE: Appa we are sorry to react so early can you tell about your girlfriend??
DAD: Ahhh okay so you all know Jo Bo-ah right??
ALL: Yes
DAD: She is the one I'm dating currently she has daughter who goes to same school as you guys 
SUGA: Is she perhaps Jo Su-Yeon???
DAD: so you guys know her that's good to hear
JIMIN: Does they know about us being MAFIA??
DAD: Bo-Ah is Mafia Helper under our Hush Nights but Su-Yeon doesn't know about it and I'll gladly ask to not tell her or let her get to know about it
ALL: Okay
DAD: They're coming at 7 for dinner please be at your best
They'll left without replying noone is ready to accept her as their sister not even a stepone.
They all goes to there respective rooms and are thinking about it
1171 words


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