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~At BTS Side~

It has already been 1½ hours Suni was in O.T. Everyone were present there, BTS, TXT, ITZY. Noone was ready to move a inch till they get update on Suni. RM had already talked to Taeyong.

Doctor came out discussing something with other doctors... All rushed to him and asked how's Suni.
Doctor: She is out of danger now. And the thing I told you before about her  breathing condition then don't worry in a month she will be back to normal as she was. We need to keep her under observation for 2 weeks. She is unconscious now, she wouldn't be regaining it till morning... You can have rest...

He told and went away.

JIN: You'll should go home it's already late and this much people for patient causes inconvenience.
JK: No hyung we aren't going anywhere...
Jin look at RM so he can make them understand..
RM: Kookie jin hyung is right you should get going home infact we'll should 2 people will be enough.
SUGA: Yes listen to RM Kookie Jin and Jimin will stay... We'll should head back home and come in morning with breakfast for them... TXT and ITZY you should also get going...

They'll nodded and went towards parking leaving Jin and Jimin....

Nurse: Sir you can see the patient as she had already shifted to VIP personal room..
They both nodded and went towards the given direction. They saw Suni, how pale she look. That broke their hearts. They went towards her,
JIN: Suni, pali erona < wake up soon> we're waiting. Look everyone is so worried about you. Take a good rest!!
JHOPE: Sun, you know I call you that for reason right!? So it's night sleep well but in morning woke up with a brand new hope...
They said her and kissed her forehead and went towards couch to sleep...

~In the Morning~

Everyone were rushing to go to their office, kids are rushing for school while as roads are occupied busy. While in the nearby outskirts of city, bunch of people were waiting for someone to woke up...
???: Gosh how much you gonna sleep??
Man: Overorking all night seems a long sleep to you doesn't it??
??? Scoffed and reply
???: Whatever tell me about that girl what happen to her..
Man: She was bullied in her school.
???: By whom??
Man: By Blackpink Dad!
???: Damn that person still hadn't stop coming on my nerves... Arrange my meeting with him. So he can know how it feels to come on my nerves again and again...

JK: Hyung did she woke up???
JHOPE: Not yet Kookie..
Doctor informed that Suni can get back her consciousness... BTS were there along with, TXT- Kai, Taehyun
ITZY- Yeji, Lia and Ryujin and NCT: Jeno and Haechan.. Suga and V were inside in a room with Suni.
TAE: Suni, ur bear oppa is sorry, if he treated you wrong and you aren't waking up because of it.
He was holding her hand and ranting anything which came to his mind, while he feel movement against his hand and he saw that she was getting consciousness... She adjusted her eyesight and look over Tae and spoke
SUNI: Oppa, you aren't a fault okay!
He got happy and kissed her forehead before calling doctor. Doctor came rushing along with other present member at the moment. After checking her;
Doctor: She is normal now but don't let her speak much if you guys want fast recovery..
As doctor left BTS came rushing towards her side. Everyone started speaking at once and got that they'll are saying the same thing different hand. She sighed and spoke
SUNI: Oppa's you know I'm all fine now and I'm feeling okay...
After Suni sushing them with her response, Suga spoke
SUGA: Sugar are you hungry??
SUNI: No oppa, but water will work.
He nodded and gave her a glass of water, before sitting on a couch beside JK..
SUNI: Oppa's aren't you going to school or University today??
JK: Aiggo my bunny study is not important but you are so we aren't going to school till you get completely recovered...
She was feeling sad as because of her they're not punctual to school and it will be bad image of them for their annual report!!
SUNI: But oppa you shouldn't-
JIMIN: Cherry you talk to much..
He stated after putting finger on her mouth.
SUNI: But seriously oppa you need to be punctual to school and studies it make affect your annual report.
JK: But aren't you the one who will give us that grade??
SUNI: Bajaa! <Right!> So i should give you zero so you will get some sense..
Suni stated being annoyed about whole thing.
RM: What's all fuzz about??
RM enter after meeting doctor.
SUNI: Joonie Oppa, is it okay to miss school daily??
RM: No not at all, but since our baby is sick she can have a leave as long as she recover...
SUNI: I know but about Chim oppa , Bear oppa, and Kookie oppa, is it okay for them??? They didn't went to school since 2 days..
RM sighed as he know how much correct Suni's point is.
RM: Suni they'll go to school tomorrow okay?? They didn't went today cause you weren't awake that time...
SUNI: Okay, but oppa you guys to don't miss university, only 2 of you can stay with me...
RM: But baby-
SUNI: No buts oppa!! Keep alternative days... But please don't miss university like this...
RM sighed and nodded as he know how stubborn his sister is so..

School was ended and Dreamies, TXT, ITZY are visiting hospital today, as they hadn't seen Suni today as they needed to rush before they miss the last bus to school...

They reach hospital and saw Suni was changing channels of TV while being annoyed.
SUNI: Seriously oppa this channels company should pay visit to me, I'll give them recommendation to what they should show...
Jimin and V nodded and giggle as they find her cute.. How much they wish to witness this moment in their childhood.
RENJUN: Did we disturb you??
Suni turned to the source of voice and her expression changed from annoyed to happy one..
SUNI: No, actually I'm glad you guys came I was so bored... And this TV-
TAE: Yea everyone know about calling companies for ur complaint, don't need to repeat berry we'll heard it many times now...
Suni pouted at elder and everyone was awee at her cutness..
YEONJUN: My godd I can't handle this, it's so disgusting...
Ryujin smacked his head before replying
RYUJIN: Baby is not disgusting she is so cute... Unlike you!!!
YEONJUN: Yeji, Baby look she called me disgusting, your bf disgusting, tell her something.
YEJI: Whattt!! She stated the fact, you're Seriously disgusting at moment...
Everyone attention went to Suni, as she was laughing before she started coughing badly... Kai ran called doctor.

Doctor checked and told the she was coughing because of lot of laughing, as her ribs aren't perfectly healed yet.
Before going back doctor scold us as this much visitors aren't allowed as there was total 20 people including Suni...

LIA: Let's decide half of us will come in morning before school and half of us after school.
MARK: That's cool.
Soobin: okay them TXT will come in morning, ITZY in evening and NCT??
JENO: Jisung, Chenle, Mark, Renjun-Morning and
Me, Haechan, Jaemin and Mark- Evening
JIMIN: Whyy?? Mark twice??
He asked acting suspicious. Haechan covered it for better tho.
HAECHAN: Mark hyung is elder and only he have driving licence among us, so..
Reasonable lie!!!
Jimin and V nodded...

TXT, ITZY, NCT DREAM went home, after Jin and Jhope bringing dinner for all and later joining by RM, Suga and JK all 8 siblings had family dinner and Jin and Suga were ready to spend night in hospital as other followed home....

New suspense member???
What are your theories on it!!!!????
Kind of bore chapter I agreed... But still hope you enjoy:)
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