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He didn't wait to listen more, knowing it'll be very wrong for him to evasdrop.

He went back to the room he was in, with broken heart.

Suni: He may already have moved on in his life and I don't blame him for that. He deserves all the happiness after all the sadness I have given him.

Only if he stayed more he have got to know, how much she like him still...


After that Suni went to her study to complete her remaining work unknown to her brothers who thinks she went back to her room to sleep.

When Mark make sure she was not downstairs with her brothers anymore he collected all his belongings and went downstairs where all of her brothers who were there at that moment. Everyone look in direction of stairs from the sound of feet tapping heard.

Jimin: Where are you going?

Mark: You all are back now so I can go back to my home.

V: You can stay the night.

Mark: No, it's good. I was here only to keep her safe till she was alone and now she have you guys, so I'll just go.

He didn't wait for them to say anything and just left.

JK: Did something happened between them?

Jimin: I don't think so they were normally chatting earlier.

V just heard them conversing and continued making some food for him and his 2 fellow brothers.

They had food with 2 talking stuff out and V silently eating, maybe having rough idea of what may have went wrong between her dear sister and her so called ex-boyfriend.

After his eating he went in search of her sister in their huge home, leaving dishes for other two.

He went to her room and saw that AC was on and bed lights were on while other lights were off.

He walked in further and saw the joint door of bathroom and closet was locked.

Understandingly he went to the joint balcony of her room.

He met with chill breeze hitting him as he was only wearing a loose tee and shorts.

Once Suni came out she saw a shadow of someone in her balcony door as he have closed it so that the room's temprature and outside temprature don't gets mixed up.

Once she got near she saw it was one of her brothers.

She opened the door and went towards him. Opening of door caught his attention.

V: You're done?

She just hummed in response.

Suni: What are you doing?

V: Can't I come to see my sister? Am I not allowed?

Suni: That's not what I meant. I mean we just saw eachother like 45 min ago.

He stayed quiet.

Suni: You wanted to talk about something?

She can easily understand the situation.

V: Do you still like Mark?

He was not a one to waste time, so he directly went straight to the point.

Suni: Whatt? I just gave you answer to that question downstairs.

V: You can fool everyone with your lies but not me. Remember that's my special power plus we just have that-

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