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Me, Mark, Johnny, Taeyong, Yuta, Yang Yang were on a way to given location.

We were taking all well fighters with us, as we don't know who we're going for.

We reach the area. It was so barren. There was a house in between nowhere and was pretty much out of Seoul. But still in Seoul.

Sun was on verge of setting. The sky was turn completely Pinkish orange. Best secenery to shoot a happy yet sad part of Drama.

We went inside that abdoned house. It was full of spider webs. We saw some stairs leading us downwards. We went downstairs and noone will tell something this amazing was situated between nowhere.

We went further in, as Yang Yang put his foot a tons of arrows flied on his way. He was quick to back away. Wow whoever was person was very intelligent. Saving money+ none will ever get suspicious of what this is.

Suddenly someone shouted from Stairs.

???: Who the hell our you??

Our face were covered with mask so noone can see us. Even that person's face was covered.

But that person who shouted. I know her. Yes it was a girl. It was none other than

SUNI: Yuna??

I asked doubtely.

YUNA: Suni is that you??

I nodded and remove my mask. Even she remove her mask. She ran to hug me and we hugged eachother.

SUNI: What are you doing here?? And from where this gun came in your hand??

YUNA: Actually; wait here don't move I'll be back in 10.

She spoked and ran, without hearing my reply.

YUTA: You know her??

SUNI: Yep she's my friend. We are in same class.

Johnny: Is she mafia?? or agent??

Mark: No, just their boyfriends are Mafia, who work under BTS's and Suni's dad.

I was having lot of in my mind. Is ITZY really mafia?? Does TXT know about this??

Yuna came with a boy who looks like....

SUNI: Yeonjun Oppa???

I asked shock.

Yeonjun: Will explain everything Suni. And come follow us you all.

We followed.


We'll were following those 2, but this time no arrows flew. Maybe they belong here!?

They led us to room which looks like someone's office.

???: Yuna and Yeonjun you both can leave.

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