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It was 3:55AM in the morning all parties and clubs were closed the dark night was calm as white.. Everyone was in middle of there dreams except for the particular 7 boys who were trying to find a mystery about someone or to prescribe their "STEPSISTER"- SUNI..
All 7 boys were present in a Yoongi's room.. Sleep was no near them cause since past 55 minutes they're trying to solve a mystery which is not been solved yet..
JK: How much time it will take Suga hyung???
He was sounding annoyed by the fact that from past 1 hour they are trying to find clues but nothing is opening
SUGA: Her information is perfectly protected.. Even I can't find it... These walls are made by some big MAFIA/AGENT.. Which means only they can open it. Sorry to say but either we need someone's help or try some other way to find..
JIN: Who is best hacker than Suga which we don't know??? And in korea it's impossible..
RM: Jin hyung is right we only have 2nd option some other way our only hope for now..
JK: Let's go to sleep Hyungs we hadn't slept since last 15 hours.
He said yawning... Everyone agreed and went to their respective room after greeting eachother a sweet good night....
But 1 person who wasn't sleep was YOONGI who was so determined to solve this mystery.. He was busy when someone knock on his door and that was none other than V....
TAEHYUNG: Hyung can I help you finding something???
SUGA: There's nothing much we can do other than getting to know about her past..
TAEHYUNG: Can I use my skills to find about her past for her itself??
SUGA: No Tae that's a wrong way.. We just need to go through her stuffs so we can find out something about her or we need to ask Mom but I'm sure she wouldn't reveal it that easily.
TAEHYUNG: We can tell JK, Jin hyung and Hobi hyung to took her out and we can go through her stuffs.. Is that cool???
SUGA: That's a point we can do that now it's quite late go to sleep okay don't worry much about all this~~
Fellow nodded and went to his room while hacker sighed and laid down to get his beauty sleep..

~on the other side of globe~

???: Hyung what should we do??? If they tried to break our firewalls than that means they're really upto something...

Someone came running towards the mention hyung
###: Hyung Ms.Jo married Mr.Kim Dong Wook..
Hyung: Kim Dong Wook.. Top businesses man + mafia king meant to happen.. Jae run a background check on Mr.Kim and his family
JAE: Into it sir..


It was late in morning Kim Mansion was completely silent only source of noise coming was from maids and Butlers who were doing there work..
It was 11:52AM Mr&Mrs.Kim were in the living room discussing about their business.. Boys were gathered in RM'S room as Suga and V wants to tell them about what they discussed last night and the trio agreed as they were the only 3 person among them you agreed  Suni as their sister..

Everyone came in dining room including couple,boys and Suni for lunch. Maids served the lunch and went away to give family their privacy.
DAD: Kids me and your Mom are going for our business trip hope you will get along well and take care of eachother.. Schools are starting from tomorrow don't bunk classes and be highly attentive I don't want any complaints from anyone and take special care of Suni..
They nodded as they want to argue with their dad..
SUNI: For how long you both will be gone???
She asked being scared of living alone with boys
MOM: for 4-5 months as it necessary for new collaboration
She nodded sadly which was gone unnoticed by everyone..
RM: when are you going??
MOM: After lunch...
SUNI: that's so soon
MOM: don't worry I'll do face time everyday okay.
She just simply nodded but stopped chewing when someone said something she never imagine
JK: Appa me,Jin hyung and Hobi hyung decided to take Suni out today is it okay???
DAD: That's nice of you guys to try for getting close.. Go get her shop for school suppliments as your school is reopening...


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