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Trio were home a hour ago with Suni..  She was tired so she slept after changing as school was starting from tomorrow... Brothers were in a meeting room waiting for Suga as he was in his room digging more through some rough information they got.. After waiting for like 10 min he came with disappointed look means he couldn't find it for now..
JIN: So what you guys got???
RM sighed and took a lead to start the meeting
RM: I gone through her diary and got to know that she lost her memory when she was 14, currently she is 16 and according to mom they came to korea last year means she was 15.. We need to find that what happen before her memory loss....
JK: Does she know that she have memory loss??
RM: Yes she even mention it in her diary saying "I hope to get my memories soon so I don't hurt peoples around me who are eagerly waiting for me to recognise them" He showed this lines on screen so everyone can see..
This are the only thing I got in her diary which is useful for us..
JHOPE: What about you Suga hyung??
SUGA: I went through her laptop and found this.
He showed on screen all the chemical reaction
JIMIN: RM Hyung do you know what reaction this are???
RM: This reaction are not any simpler reaction it seem like it been research a lot about all the stuff and came through this all.. No universities teaches this nor any foundation..
TAE: Does she want to become scientist or what??
JK: If she wants to become scientist doesn't she have lot of time for it she is still in highschool??
JHOPE: This is all so confusing goddd!!!
JIN: What about you VMin what do you got???
VMin shared glance with eachother and their Hyungs before getting up to present what they got.
They present and everyone's eyes were wied looking at baby photos of SUNI which were excat similar to there baby sis..
JK: Isn't she our baby??
All were shocked coming to conclusion was so hard??
TAE: Jin Hyung what was name of our baby??? Jebal tell us this time jebal...
He begged the elder who was so lost in that picture..
If you guys wondering why boys don't know her name it's because they were toddlers at that time and pronouncing her name was so difficult everyone use to call her baby.. The only person who knows her real name is Their Real mom, Dad and Jin as he was the eldest...
JIN: It isn't right time for you to know.
He told and went away from meeting room disappearing to his room..
RM: Suga hyung you too don't know her name???
SUGA: I know but I aren't remembering it right now.. I'll try to remember it... Just give me 2 days..
Everyone nodded and went to their respective rooms except for Suga.. He really knows her name he can never forget her name in millon years because it was his Sugar's name.. When he saw everyone disappearing in their own rooms Suga went in Jin's room only too see him looking at the city from a huge windows present in his room...
JIN: I know Suga you're here to see if I can help you with some information from past...
SUGA: Better you know so let's get to the work..
Jin sighed and they went to their study room and locked the door for their privacy reasons...
JIN: it'll be long night prepare yourself
Suga just hummed in response..
JIN: I highly doubt that you don't know her name??
SUGA: I can never forgot it hyung...
JIN: what you want to dig in??
SUGA: I don't know but I feel she is connected to underworld somehow
JIN: And why is that???
SUGA: Ask my gut maybe he knows
JIN: should we discuss with GOT7??
SUGA: I don't think it would be any help as they're still on 5th position worldwide
Jin hummed..
JIN: Why don't we try using baby's name and try finding something??
SUGA: let's try-
???: I knew it you guys are hiding so many things from us...
They turn around to find RM with all other boys..!!??
JIN: How you guys are here?? We know we locked the door??!!
RM: I've all the keys of this house if you don't remember....
TAE: Suga hyung why you lied??? Please tell us what happened in a past very clearly no lies and no missing...


It was beautiful day were Kim's were busy decorating play room for their new sister which was yet to come... They got to know gender a week back in baby shower held by Kim Yeon brothers... Colour of the room was choosen by JK, Theme was choosen by RM, V and JHOPE were incharge of her clothes, JIN and SUGA were incharge of choosing furniture desgins along hand with their mom...
DAD: I'm not incharge of anything for my baby <he coded sadly>
MOM: Jagi You're main role here you'll be finance provider and the most important You'll be the one who will love her more than me... <she coded jealously>
Small BTS: You've us eomma you got 7 strong boys to protect you and love you.... <They said cutely in their baby voice>
Mom was just happy looking adorably to her kids and her love bickering...
It was sweet moment for her.. With some unsettling feeling in her stomach she made a small noise gaining everyone's attention
JIN: What happen eomma??
MOM: Baby just kicked...

~After some months~
Baby was came healthy... Everyone adored her she just resemble her mom
It was a compliment from every single soul from doctor to her youngest son... Everyone were welcoming them home with huge banners and party ploopers..
Days passed and it was a day for giving this baby a name..
Everyone suggested names but mom announced that this girl this baby is sign of their love they will name her on their name... Everyone was confused what name mom had named for this baby...
MOM: I'm Bae Suzy and my hubby Kim Yeon had decided Baby will go by name

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So it's officially revealed that their real mom name is BAE SUZY!!

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