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•|??? POV|•
I was finding principal office as my younger siblings know where it is I don't know why they just left me while I was on a call with Hyung.. While walking one girl came running towards my direction she was in hurry I guess she bumped into me godd I was ready to yell at her but when our eyes met, the pair of eyes I know used to be bold but now hold just innocence.. How???? I finally saw her after so long the only reason I'm here in seoul..

SUNI: Mianhae!! <Sorry>
???: Gwenchana <it's okay>
She apologized to me and I said it's okay like whyy I don't even say such words but just unconditionally it came out of my mouth...
SUNI: Are you new here??
???: Yes I'm finding principal office..
SUNI: I'm going there if you don't mind I can show you
???: Okay!
We went to principal office and she knocked and there already my group was present..
SUNI: Good Morning Sir
Principal: Good Morning Ms.Suni
These are new students show them around and most of them are in your class itself so it will be easy for you to clear there doubts..
I nodded and Sir handed them their schedule.
Principal: Introduce yourselves to eachother.
SUNI: Hello I'm Kim Su-Yeon.. You can call me Suni!! I'm Student club president...
I know you. I gave you name Suni!! But you really don't remember me I was so much disappointed.. As the eldest among all 7 I decided to introduce myself first
???: Hello I'm LEE MARK!! Eldest among all 7 and I'm in senior year..
???: Hello I'm RENJUN!! 2nd eldest and in junior year
???: Hello I'm LEE JENO!! 3rd eldest and in same class as Renjun.
???: Hello I'm LEE HAECHAN!! 4th oldest and in same class as Ren and No.
???: Hello I'm NA JAEMIN!! 5th oldest and same age as REN NO AND HAN
???: Hello I'm CHENLE!! 6th oldest and I'm in freshman year.
???: Hello I'm PARK JISUNG!! The maknae and in same class as Chenle.

I just bowed at them as they Introduce themselves.
Principal: So Ms.Kim Renjun,Jeno,HAECHAN,and Jaemin are in your class and for your convince they have same schedule as you. And I want you to show them there class and around the school in break. Am I clear???
SUNI: Yes sir..
We leave after bowing to principal.
SUNI: Hmm can I see your guys class details so I can easily show you guys??
I asked awkwardly and they nodded before handling me their details.
Juniors have same hallway as mine and Mark has different one.. okay
SUNI: Mark sunbae-nim your class is on 3rd floor and you others have on 2nd floor.
We went to 3rd floor and send Mark to his class before showing him his locker and making familiar with hallway..
{Little did she know someone just saw her hanging around with 7 boys}
I follow the same procedure with others and went to my class where I was 10 min late and I'm for sure today is detetion and history teachers for sure just listen to some old people from history who doesn't know how present work. I knocked on door and Mrs.Song opened it..
SUNI: Mrs.Song the new students are here.
I said bowing
Boys greeted themselves before I went to my seat. At my right Renjun was sitting and beside Kai- Jeno,Haechan,and Jaemin were sitting but do you think Mrs.Song will let this slide??? Nah she wouldn't..
Mrs.Song: Welcome to the class Boys!!and you Ms.Kim detetion after school.
I nodded everyone knows how Mrs.Song and noone dares to object her. Yuna gave me pity look but I smiled to her it's all okay...
The class ended finally...

Mainly all classes ended it just P.E and Music is remaining and from what I think it's with Kookie oppa's class which I'm scared about... I was arranging my books in a locker while waiting for Yuna and Kai as they got some work from Mrs.Song!! They came and we went were unnie's and oppa's were waiting for us.. As I enter everyone started looking at me.. whyy?? Shitt!!! I forgot morning incident.. hell mannn!!! I ignored all stares and started eating my food while talking to oppa's and unnie's.. Twice unnie's were not present today as they got some work..
We went to our scheduled classes as time was almost upp..

^|Time Skip|^
I was in my detetion class alone with Mrs.Song .. I was doing my homework peacefully untill

It's been almost 15 min school ended and Suni isn't back yet... We were hella worried about her but she just doesn't care about us...
VMin: we wanna tell you guys something...
RM: what it is??
JIMIN: She must be with boys as earlier today in morning she was roaming with 7 boys in our hallway!!
VMIN: Sorry okay let's bring her back here...
We check CCTV and found her in detetion room.. we barged in not caring about the teacher...
JIMIN: pack your bags and let's go
He stated angrily.. She was scared and nodded...
JK grabbed her hand tightly and pulled her to limo... He threw her inside and then everybody get in driver started...
Noone said anything throughout the drive. Once reaching home one to pull her inside was V whose grip was more more stronger than JK... She hissed in pain as it was getting unbearable... He pulled her down to basement and locked her there.. She was crying at this point that her whole life choices are wrongly made... It was so darked for her to breathe...
Suddenly door pushed open by boys and they tied her to chair... They don't know but she have nyctophobia... Which is severe.. She was shivering because of cold and her phobia... She don't know how she got phobia but she have one!!
Boys started to act like some agents and started asking her questions..
JK: who were those boys you are roaming with???
She wasn't in a condition to reply she was badly shivering it gone unnoticed by BTS as rage was towering them at the moment... She didn't reply and that make their blood raged.
Taehyung slapped her very hardly indicating her lips to bleed...
They were asking her about morning scenes but currently she wasn't in her proper senses and slaps from V was making her hard to breathe and suddenly she fainted...
Due to sudden faintation boys came back to there senses and their eyes became wide as realisation started to hit them...
Jhope was quick to pick her up and directly went to medical room. RM followed behind as he knows what to do. He started cleaning her bruised cheek and lip and applying ointment. He got to know that she have fear of dark and by staying there for 10 min it took some wild effect on her body.. After doing his work he called JK too take her in her room to which fellow nodded and proceed towards Suni's room.... RM told everyone about her condition...
RM: I think you guys were too harsh on her.
TAE: She deserved it hyung
SUGA: Noone deserve it V.. We must have think about our actions. She is student club president and she have responsibility to show new students around the campus and make them comfortable...
He told this and left from there leaving everyone in there own thoughts..

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