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I was flying back to seoul after 11 months of staying away from my real family.

I sure miss them alot.

I reached at airport in seoul.

It was a surprise.

I was on my way back but I decided to stop at a cafe before so I can take my fav coffee which I missed in New York.

I ordered my drink and waited at a table.

There I saw him.


Our eyes met.

He was approaching me.

Mark: Su-Yeon is that you?

He was changed no more blue hair.

They were black.

I avoided eye contact knowing I can't look at him.

Mark: Where were you?? You didn't tell me where were you from this past 11 months and you're happy I see.

Mark: Ofc, I was the only one who care. I'm the only one who got hurt. Great.

Out of nowhere gunshot was heard and I saw Mark falling forward and I saw he was shot in abdomen.

Suni: MARK!!

Mark: I'm glad I'm dying in arms of my first and last love.. Thankyou for giving me precious memories to die with.

Suni: MARK!!!

It was a Dream.

But why it felt so real.

I need to contact him.

I wanna know if he is alright.

It is hard to pretend that you have move on but only deep down we know how much we still  need them to calm our storming nights. We still need them every single day.

I tried to move on but it wasn't easy.

I'm still stuck on him. And will forever stuck there, no winds gonna remove me from there.

I got my phone and finally got courage to tap call button below his name.

Mi Dorky Hijo.



Mark: Hello??
Who's this??

Suni: Mark.

Mark: Su-yeon?

Suni: Yes,that's me Mark.

I heard shuffled on other side and I know he's gonna hung up.

Suni: Please don't hang up. It took me months to dial you.

Suni: Hear me out this just once, if you don't want to talk to me after this I wouldn't talk to you again. But please this just one time.

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