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If you hadn't rode previous chapter read that first!!!

After the bloody mess inside a restaurant, after killing many people here comes the Quadro, who slayed the fight... Once they reach their car, getting no sign of Bo-ah and finding a letter, they thought this was meant to..

After passing of some years getting no contact from Bo-ah, they already know where she is.. They never tried to contact her for her sake. They didn't get the mastermind behind the restaurant outbreak of few years back. Yeon and Suzy were married and had 6 kids by then, while Lee and Han are in Canada for business purpose and decided to settle their.. They both got married 2 years back and had 1 son...

The war had already began by now, Yeon and Suzy had more 2 kids while Lee and Han had 3 kids... Suzy is getting very bad feeling from this war. Han was already killed by enemies... So the only person that was safe was Bo-ah. She wrote her letter 3 months before the incident, but she didn't get reply back before 1 week of incident.. Suzy planned everything from Bo-Ah and started the execution.

Suni, BTS and their parents were on a mini vacation in Daegu. Bo-Ah use to travel with them from the day war had been broke and it's only known by Suzy.

It was beautiful evening where Suzy was prepared dinner while Yeon was playing with Suni, boys were busy with themselves playing cards and video games...
Suddenly gunshots were heard and Yeon and Suzy took kids to the safe place in their cottage..., but it was too late enemies saw them and started firing in their direction.
Yeon: Suzy take suni and kids from backdoor..
Boys obligate and decided to stay. Suzy took Suni with her and hand it over to Bo-ah.. As on the way she got shot on leg and can't run fast. Bo-Ah start the car on the way to hospital but they heard tickling sound from car and it was clear bomb was planted in a car.
Suzy: Jo took her and jump we wouldn't survive this blast.
Bo-ah: Are you crazy you are jumping with us..
Suzy: I can't if I didn't die now this war will never end and noone will be in peace... Don't tell Yeon that Su-Yeon is alive, tell him when she is 14/15.
They were crying badly, Su-Yeon was passed out from all the loud shots she have heard..
Bo-Ah: I-ii forgive you guys.. Die peacefully..
She told crying and took Suni from Suzy's lap and jumped from car, as the legs were taken from accelator car blast and everyone- Yeon and BTS witness it and thought their mom and their baby died..

Bo-Ah had already booked the tickets to Canada beforehand and board it with Suni... While 8 peoples were graving for their family loss. Bo-Ah was feeling bad for taking away little girl from her family.

They reach Canada, Jung-suk picked them up from airport and brought them to his Mansion. Suni was confused from all drill happen, she was asking for her mom, dad, brothers it took them week to make her understand that Suzy is no more and her father and brothers are safe and will come in few months till then this is her family but it was really hard for 3 year old soul. She was happy having 2 big brother and 2 brother of same age as her as she had already felt bore of having 7 elder brother.

At that time NCT wasn't formed it were just 4 brothers. But after 5 years since Suni start staying with them, Taeil and Johnny join after 2 years of them joining Yuta, Jaehyun and Doyoung join. So Suni knows 127 unit. Su-Yeon name Suni was given by none other than LEE MARK.
She was getting comfortable and as she grown old she got to know what happen to her real family and she understood it.

She Joined NCT, as Hacker, with help of Taeil. Taeil trained her all the codes, methods and tricks. She was better than Taeil in that work. One day Lee Jong-Suk saw her result and was impressed by looking at it as she got 95 in all but 100 in chemistry. He gave her other advanced reaction and she aced it at that time Jong-Suk was sure they got mini Scientist in gang. He told her to complete highschool first and then he will look after this issue. She was happy. Her favourite Oppa was Taeyong, who used to scold others who teased her, she was so precious to her, he used to pamper her alot and she was the only one who had tried his cooking.

Everything was so peaceful and happily going but nothing last. Someone tried to attack there HQ of legal business and at that time all NCT member were at Mansion discussing their new mission. Taeyong was called in company with some files which his dad forgot at home but when he went their the scene broke his heart. Their was fire spreading and the company blast.. He was worried for his father and her bubu!! He ran but was stop by employees. Some employees were bringing his dad and Suni. They took them to hospital, he called his cousin elder brother Lee Taemin to inform and to go to Mansion for his brothers. Bo-Ah was informed and she flied from NYC to Canada immediately.. She was in hospital with Taeyong who was losing his mind by every passing second. Doctor came and inform that Suni was okay and due to excess trauma she lost her memory for temporary. And he informed that Lee Jong-Suk was no more... His world scattered, he cried not for himself but for his brothers who were just 14... Bo-Ah help him, her tears were also unstoppable...

Funeral and everything was completed. Suni had also regain the consciousness. Everyone were so heartbroken. Taeyong took the decision which was so tough for him to take to send Suni away from him, to give her life a new start. Bo-Ah aggred to it and took Suni with her to NYC!!

So past is revealed!! There are still some parts which will be revealed further but major past is revealed...
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... Love Ya!!


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