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Did I heard it right??

Us going back to Korea??

We are really going back, wait hold up I can't believe...

But tomorrow isn't it so soon??

I'm excited but I still have so many things to do here.

I was in my thoughts until someone knock on my door.

It was Hoshi.

Hoshi: We need to discuss about the raid, come ready in Scopus's office.

I nodded and he left.

I decided to get ready without wasting any more time.


Scoups: So everyone are here??

Jeonghan counted and agreed to Sungcheol.

Scoups: So DK you know your drill, take Mrs.Bae safely and bring back her safely accompile by Bo-ah.

DK: Yes, captain.

Scoups: For safety of yours, have a backup ready just in case.

He nodded.

So he can proceed further.

Scoups: Suni, you're working with hacking alongside Joshua. And Hacker Wonwoo in field.

Scoups: Medics in a van.

So on he explained the task to everyone and we were off to sharp our skill abit.


Now was a time.

Everyone cells in my body are jumbling into eachother.

Now that it was literally in motion the feeling of euphoric or nervousness weren't distinguishable.

Every tickling indicating the nearness of worst or best.

I was in a van with Joshua, Wonwoo and Mingyu.

Mingyu: Everything will be okay. Don't worry.

Wonwoo: He is your father but trust us he isn't any less father to us either.

Joshua: We promise we'll bring our father back. Safe and sound.

Suni: I've faith in you guys. It's just the moment playing with me.

Wonwoo: Overpower her with your confidence and dedication, noone can beat us until and less we let them.

Suni: Thanks I needed that.

Joshua: We are always there for you..

Just like that they were able to distract me from the battle of my thoughts.

Soon we reach the place.

Mingyu and Wonwoo were already out of our van and we're headed to Scoups van where Jeonghan, Hosi and Dino were sitting.

Suni: Everyone, can you hear us??

Scoups: Checked in
Jeonghan: Checked in
Hoshi: Checked in
Woozi: Checked in
Jun: Checked in
Wonwoo: Checked in
Mingyu: Checked in
The8: Checked in
Seungkwan: Checked in
Vernon: Checked in
Dino: Checked in

While I was connecting them, Shua connect DK with us, so he and us both can be updated by eachother.

Joshua: DK can you hear us??

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