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•|??? POV|•
Man1: Sir BTS are only few steps away from knowing that Su-Yeon is Bae Suzy's daughter...
???: Make that walls weak..
Man1: Sir it isn't happening it feels like someone had rearrange it..
I lost my all control I was this close to my enemy and it feels like someone turn the table.. I banged my hand on the table hardly..
???: Dad you know you shouldn't be stressing too much it isn't good for you!!!
My daughter... Not 1 but 4...
DAD: Lisa-ya I'm fine.. Any clue you got today in school??
Rose: We have got 7 new boys today and they're just into themselves..
Jennie: Out of 7 one is in senior 1 class while 2 are in junior 2 class and remaining 4 are in Junior 3 class...
DAD: What about Su-Yeon??
Jisoo: Nothing special those 4 are in same class with her..
DAD: Start with your plan B someone is fired...
Those 4 just nodded and left...

~Short Background Intro of Blackpink~
[ Jisoo and Jennie are real siblings while Lisa and Rose are adopted by their dad.. Their dad want revenge on Mr.Kim regarding some previous matters that used to have taken place due to only 1 reason!!! Their Dad is on 3rd position in world of Mafia...
The only thing to remember is everything happen to Mr.Kim family is because of BLACKPINK'S DAD!!! ]

I was scared of stepbrothers now.. I don't know how to react to all of this thing.. I started to write my diary which I forgot I used to have I wrote everything since BTS became my stepbrothers... I was getting up from a bed someone knocked on door I told to come in and it was Jinnie oppa..
JIN: Sorry princess if you are scared from us now... I weren't having any issues and I don't want to put limits to your freedom. You are way to precious for all of this...
I can tell he was so sad from everything that happen before. I smiled and reply
SUNI: Oppa it's okay I'm not scared of you and Hobi oppa I'm just scared of Kookie oppa, Chim oppa and Tae oppa..
JIN: Suni you know you don't need to be scared of them too. They just have rough past and which still haunts him..
I nodded as signaled for him to continue
JIN: Makanes were toodlers when our Mom and our baby sis died..
SUNI: I'm sorry.. You used to have sister??
JIN: Yes she was younger than kookie and this much for today now let's go have a dinner and don't be scared you got me and hobi okay??
I think he guessed my expression
SUNI: Oppa Joonie oppa and yoonie oppa aren't mad at me right??
JIN: They aren't now come or all the mice will eat your stomach
He said to make air lighter. I chuckled and followed him to dining.

We were early maids were arranging the table and Butlers were bringing food..

Jin oppa led me to living room were hobi and yoonie oppa were sitting. Hobi oppa smiled at me and which I return and yoongi oppa was sleeping in sitting position... Maids called for dinner and we went there and everyone came and if you are thinking about yoongi oppa than he followed us as you must know who can survived Jin oppa's rap lol.. While me and hobi oppa were on the floor laughing loudly..

Maids served the food and went outside to give us privacy... Someone cleared their throat and I looked and I was kookie oppa
JK: I'm sorry for overreacting earlier.
He really sounded guilty.. I smiled and reply
SUNI: it's okay oppa..
VMin: we're also sorry!!
They said bluntly was as a kind person I accepted their apology..
Someone again cleared throat and this time it was RM
RM: I'm not trying to sound nosy but how do you have nyctophobia???
SUNI: Actually I don't know as I lost my memory few years back... I really want to regain it but no medicine is working.. I like changed so many doctors but output is still Zero..
RM: Ohh.. Where you used to live before coming to seoul?? As it may help if we take you to that place..
SUNI: I used to live in New York for 2 years that's what eomma told before that where she didn't told me.. But it's surely out of korea..
He nodded and I was already done with my dinner. So I told that I've some school work to complete and they nodded...

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