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Yuna's blood was there.

I was so tired today that I just slip in unconsciousness and I fall asleep on living room's couch.

I woke up but someone sprinkling water on me.

And what I'm seeing is-

All the members of Seventeen surrounding me.

I just looked at them for straight 5 minutes until Scoups spoke.

Scoups: What are you staring and why are you sleeping here? You know where the guest rooms are.

Suni: When did you guys came?

DK: Like 10 minutes ago.

Suni: But how can you be here in such a less time if Joshua just messaged me last night saying you guys will be leaving for Korea in few days.

Joshua: Suni it was 3 days ago.

Suni: What!? But I slept just few hours back.

The8: Shua hyung is right. It was 3 days ago. You can check the dates.

I really checked date on my phone and everywhere even on news channel it was actually 3 days later to that day.

Suni: Where is Yuna? She was in basement.

Few members ran towards it and saw something so terrorising.

They called for us right away.

And let's just say we all are shock. And I'm topping the charts for sure.

Suni: What is this?

I saw that the floor which was covered by Yuna's blood is now a place where graffiti have emerged.

Jun: What does it says?

Suni:  "It's you next, my dear sister"

Hoshi: Who wrote this? And whose sister?

Suni: It is written by Yuna. And the sister she is mentioning is me.

Mingyu: You and Yuna are sisters? You never told us.

Suni: Even I didn't knew until last nig- few days back. But what really happened and how I slept for 3 days straight?

Suni: Something is not really right.

Suni: Woozi can you check if something was injected to me or not?

Woozi: After dinner,, let's meed in lab.

I nodded.

Jeonghan: Don't think too much about it, get freshen up we are ordering food.

Woozi: Don't forgot to take one of our clothes before you go.

I went in shower after taking more like stealing Joshua's hoodie.

I don't know why but I'm not having good feelings right now. Like something really bad is happening or will happen.

I just came out knowing if I'll stay more in shower my mind will play tricks on me again.

I was drying my hair when Joshua and Wonwoo came in. My homies from Seventeen.

Wonwoo: You overthinking again?

I just sigh and sit down on bed. They both sitting on either side of me.


Joshua: What really happen? You aren't looking like you use to do while living with us.

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