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SUGA: But why you took Benzodiazepines??

She was bit hesitated to answer. And this didn't go unnoticed by her brothers.

JIMIN: You don't need to be nervous around us.

SUNI: It...s

V: Take your time.

Suni take a deep breath before continuing.

SUNI: It was because, I often used to get nightmares after losing memory and those flashbacks from eomma's car blast and fire outbreak in Lee's HQ in Canada. So once I told Bo-ah about it and she gave me this, telling me that it's a medicine for random headaches, but I somehow found that it wasn't some headache medicine, it was Benzodiazepines, I thought I will stop taking it but I can't, those anxiety attacks, nightmares, it was helping me to escape them. But I stopped taking it once I came seoul, but I can't stop myself today, I'm sorry oppa..

After Suni telling about why, her brothers took her in a hug.

JIMIN: We're sorry cherry.

V: You need to go through this much alone.

SUGA: But now we are here so we will help you in any way possible.

SUNI: Thankyou oppa, you guys are helping alot without you knowing. It's just your presence which make me feel better.

JIMIN: Aww, do we play that much important role in your life??

SUGA: Jimin you're real vibe killer.

Everyone laughed at his remark.

V: Ok now berry it's time to sleep.

He made her lie down on her bed. Everyone kissed her forehead and wish goodnight before leaving.

After coming out of her room, they all headed to meeting room knowing their other brothers are sitting their waiting for them.

But after reaching meeting room all colours drained out of their face.



RM: What you mean she isn't got back home from school yet.

He yelled at one of maid who told that Suni hadn't returned from school yet knowing she need to be back till 7 (her curfew time) and it's already 9.

He was alone home at a moment as others are still at a work or enjoying their youth.

He called Suga.

SUGA: I told you in morning itself that I wouldn't be home for dinner, than why you call me in middle of my work??

He was sounding annoyed, knowing he doesn't like to be disturb during work.

RM: Suni hadn't come home yet.

Only one word was enough for Kim brothers to go weak, Kim Su-Yeon.

Suga cut the call, getting on the work of tracing her down. RM don't mind knowing his task of acknowledge him about the situation.

We'll, at a cue Suni enter house. Taking Rm's attention. She was drunk, completely.

Suga stopped tracing, seeing she just enter a house and send a message for Namjoon to tell.

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