Dizzy With A Dame!

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(McMystery at McDuck Manor! & Jaw$!)

His birthday hadn't been that bad. He got his favorite butler back and thwarted all his arch nemesis in one night. It really had been great. He was just going to turn in when the aforementioned butler reared his head.

"____ is on her way to see you."

"Thank you, Duckworth. It's great to see you again."

"And you, sir. Would you like some tea while you wait?" Wait? That was an odd way for him to phrase the sentence, but he nodded.

About an hour later, a soft knock came from the door.

"Come in." The door creaked open and ____ stepped in still in her clothes Scrooge noticed. "Ah, las. Duckworth said you might be stopping by. Though, I thought he might've been mistaken."

She didn't respond. Instead, she simply crossed the floor and sat in the chair across from him. She wouldn't look at him and seem quite the opposite of the girl who had been sitting on his computer desk only hours earlier.

"Lassie? Is everything okay."

"Mr. McDuck, you know how I said I couldn't promise no more secrets?" He nodded, wondering where this was going. "I told you I couldn't because I wanted to be able to protect you."

"What are you going on about, Las?" Outside we heard a bell chiming midnight, and she pulled off a necklace and laid it on his desk.

"I know you don't like your birthday so I thought a birthday present was out of the question, but now it's just a normal day so this is just a gift." He stopped breathing when he saw the five letters scribbled in a familiar handwriting.

"What in Scotland?" he grabbed it. He couldn't believe its existence. He had been through all of Della's possessions a hundred times and never seen this.

"I found it when we were at the cave a few days ago. I haven't had time to talk to you about it. However, she also left this." She handed over a note. He read it several times.

"Why wouldn't she want," he read it again, and she had called ____ be her name, "how does she know your name?"

"I don't know. I haven't looked on the USB either."

He laid the note down carefully like it might bite him and as quickly as he could shoved the computer piece in. He only half paid attention as ___ joined him behind his desk. The screen lit up.

Della stood in the frame twisting her scarf, looking nervous. She stood against a gray wall that looked like it was made of rock. Her eyes lit up, and she jumped up and down. Scrooge felt his heart break again, after all these years.

"Ah oh! It works. Hey it worked!" A muffled voice that didn't sound as excited responded in the background. She turned back to the camera.

"Heeeeey, Uncle Scrooge. ____. I know this is weird but hear me out." Her attention went off screen. "Penny! Hold on!"

Della stomped off screen, and Scrooge held back a scream. It felt like losing her again when she disappeared. It cut back to her just as quickly, and he still couldn't breathe. He wanted to hold her. He felt himself smile as she put out a fire at the base of her hair with her fingers and apologized.

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