Blame It On The Wiskey!

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A/N: American Probation last 1919 - 1933 and if you don't think that Scrooge and Goldie were in on the moonshining you're wrong. Also, McDuck Enterprises probably sold something like Vine-Glo which technically wasn't illegal (and probably worth a Google if you're a nerd like me).


A late night at the office he was used too. It had been a while since he had spent a late night handling borderline illegal affairs.

He had drank liquor, or tea, for every meal as long as he could remember. He wasn't going to stop because some high fultunten congressmen in the capital said otherwise. He looked around the borderline empty cavern and wondered what he would do with the space if it ever became legal again. Though that was a problem for the future.

He was checking the inventory list one last time when he heard a noise. He held up the pen in a threatening manner and round the barrel. He lowered it in annoyance.

"Get out."

"I just wanted a drink." The golden-haired woman already looked drunk, which was strange for her. She didn't usually drink to that extent.

"Obviously." He rolled his eyes. "This isn't mine. It's my clients. Now leave before I have you escorted out."

"Fine. Guess I'm stuck drinking the gross champagne from your office." She pulled the bottle from the bag at her feet and popped it open.

"No. You can have anything but that." He grabbed the bottle careful not to spill it.

"What if I wanted the crappy champagne?" She crossed her arms.

"Too bad it's spoken for." He rolled his eyes, uninterested, and started back on the inventory.

"By whom?" She followed him to closely for his liking.

"My fiancé," he hummed, continuing to look over the barrels. She laughed, then nearly stopped breathing when she noticed he was serious.

"So the rumors are true." Goldie sounded affronted by the idea. "Who would want to marry an old fussy sudsy like you?"

"____, who else?"

"That floozy that inflates your ego?!" she shrieked.

"What is this?" He looked up, intrigued by her reaction. "Jealously?"

"I'm not jealous!" She scoffed and crossed her arms, but she wouldn't make eye contact. "So where is the hussy?"

He knew the name-calling was just to get under his skin and it was working. He would challenge her to a fight if she could stand. Instead, he ignored it.

"So you're not jealous?" He walked closer, and she stumbled backward into a box that clattered to the ground. "Your face says otherwise."

"Who would be jealous of being tied to an old bird like you?" She snapped in his face, managing to stand.

"I'm not old!" he protested.

"Face it Scroogie," she stuck a finger in his face, "you're 70 years past your prime!"

"I thought I told you to get out," he growled and swatted her hand.

She snatched a bottle out of the box she was leaning on and marched out of the room.

There was no way to tell the passage of time in the cavern. However, he had enough sense to rely on his gut, which was telling him it was probably almost midnight.

He made his way upstairs and blinked at the half-melted candles that lined the stairs. He half thought Goldie had done it, but that didn't make any sense. The manor had electrical lighting, and she had used way too many candles to be practical anyway. He made his way to his bedroom.

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