A Human's Love!

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He hadn't meant to fall asleep in the car but it was a long drive and he hadn't had proper sleep in several days- not that the limo's seat was proper. He woke up clutching ____ shirt and Huey shaking his shoulder lightly.

"We're home," the lad said. Scrooge's eyes slide from Huey's face to the house, outside the window.

He turned back to the boys and could tell from their faces they were worried about him. Dewey went to open the door but he stopped the lad by laying his hand over his nephews. He wishes ____ was awake. She was better with them than he was. He had learned a few things over the years, like being honest and straightforward with kids usually turned out better than lying to spare their feelings. Though sugar coating this one, a tad would probably spare everyone.

"Lads, don't pester ____ about today when she comes too, okay?" They nodded but still looked sad. "Cheer up, lads. We're all home and safe now."

They filed out of the car. He carried____ to her bed. The longer he sat there waiting for her to wake up, the more upset he got. He had failed to protect her. He was mad at the infernal contraption that had caused this. He stomped to his office and made a phone call to the St. Canard lab. He wanted the machine metal down and sunk to the bottom of the ocean. Dr. Nogood, who had replaced Bulba, assured him that it was being taken care of.

After that, there was nothing more he could do. Well, there was always more he could do, but nothing more that felt like it benefited ____. He threw himself into the business side of things. He checked on everything Bradford had ever even thought about touching. Oddly, he found everything in order. He didn't understand the man's motives. He was bent on world domination with the power of clean books. It made no scenes.

Beakley forced him to go to dinner on the second night. Everyone but ____ was there, yet he had never felt so alone at the table. Though Finch never stopped talking and had countless questions about ____ and himself. Scrooge answered them absentmindedly. A few times, he caught himself about to give away more information than he meant to, and he had to redirect the conversation.

Somehow, almost by sure willpower, the topics of the other him and Bradford stayed west from the table.

After dinner, he walked by ____'s room and wanted to go in and see her. However, his head buzzed with questions. What if she woke up with him in there? What if she thought they were still in the other universe? What if she had a poor reaction?

On the fourth morning, Isabella busted into his office and he jerked awake. He had fallen asleep at his desk after drowning himself in paperwork again. She had asked him after dinner to fence, play chess, or just talk, but he didn't want to have fun while ____ was still out and turned her down at every chance.

"Alright, Milksop!" Finch stomped up to him. "You. Me. Outside ten minutes!"

She wasn't discussing it. He knew fresh air would do him some good. He drugged himself outside where Finch was suiting up. She pointed to a pile of fencing gear.

"You owe me a proper fight."

"What?" He blinked in the sunlight.

"You said, well he said," she started, but he didn't want to hear about him.

"Alright. We can fight. Just don't talk about him."

He made his way out of the mansion and geared up. The kids found their way outside and he took his stance. He saw Finch's smile disappear behind the mask. He was channeled all his aggression for the other version of him and all his worry for ____ into his movements.

"Kick her butt, Uncle Scrooge!" Webby chanted.

He pushed harder. Finch rolled and jumped up. She was pushing back just as hard and probably taking out her issue with him as well. He pushed her back and glimpsed the kid running off. He noticed they were gathered together in front of ____. He forgot what he was doing and stumbled to a halt and Finch hesitated. He ran towards ____ and took off the hood.

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