Raise of the Eclipse!

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His back-up plan was to convince Magica he didn't care about ____. It wasn't nearly as foolproof as the original. Well, actually they might be on the same playing level, seeing as how the first didn't even exist. He held the Time Turner careful wondering if it would even work for him. He had spent more time looking at it than, watching Della's video. He didn't want to chance anyone, even Beakley, seeing the video. The device he could shove away, while Della's voice would draw too many unwanted ears.

The Time Turner's clock actually seemed to be ticking. That was something he had never seen. Usually the face stood still. He was so lost in thought he didn't hear the knock on the door until it started to open. Hastily he shoved the thing back into his desk spilling the stack of papers on top. One gracefully found its way to the floor and he grumbled and went to reach for it.

"Uh? Mr. McDuck?" ____ voice filled the air. He swore every time she said that he got ten times older. "Scrooge?"

____ didn't say his first name much. Instinctively he popped his head up and hit it the bottom of the desk.

"Ow." He rubbed his head and got to his feet.

"Why were you under the table?" She smiled to herself. He flashed her the paper he was holding.

"I was lookin' for this. It's the financial report for," he realized what stack he had knocked over stopped talking. He also turned the paper back around.

"Isn't that the boys' birthday?"

She didn't mean to say it. His face twitched at the date and she noticed. She saw everything about him like Goldie. They both always had. It was infuriating. He couldn't hide his true feelings or thoughts from the only two people that mattered. He sighed and nodded. He was going to apologize for seeming defensive but she cut him off.

"The boys are planning on getting all the documents shredded that week from the Bin."

He felt his eyes grow wide, and it took him a moment to process what she said. He had gone a binge that week, shredding nearly everything related to his niece's involvement in the company. More for his own sake than his nephews. He hadn't been think straight, and no one was there to stop him.

"Where would they get an idea like that?" he hummed.

He wasn't accusing her, but she did have a habit of being more than helpful then she meant to be.

"They are looking into the Spear of Selene." He flinched at that. He hated that infernal contraption. As if reading his mind ____ changed the subject. She was good at that. "I've told them I was from a different universe last night. I didn't tell them about anything else. Nothing about me knowing the future or finding the note or anything."

"So they don't know you know anything about their mother?" ____ shook her head. He was still confused. "Then how did they-"


He sighed. He should've guessed. That girl knew nearly everything about him and didn't know how to keep a secret. However, Webby couldn't pick him apart like ____ could but she knew every adventure he had ever cared to share. He plopped down in his chair.

"Magica?" ____ asked.

He didn't expect _____ to ask about her. Though of course the villain was on her mind.

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