Sugar Report!

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A/N: (The Temple of Tobruk! chapter.)

Sugar Report!
Meaning: (Noun): Military slang. This term refers to a letter you received from your girlfriend or wife back home.

Not many things could've brought him back to this half of the globe at the moment. Though a chance to find one of Isabella Finch's Missing Mysteries had him on a plane within the hour. SHUSH gave him an important rank and told him that no would should interfere with his mission.

Now he was going from cramped terminate infested room to cramped termite infested room. He had been chasing this mystery for several months now. Usually he would have already found it but anytime he found a decent clue he had to make sure the location wasn't currently being invaded. Though at least the Allies currently control the city that held his interest, Athens. After all, the diamond was nicknamed Athena's wisdom.

He heard a ruckus outside his window. He sighed and went to check on the men. He watched as several green uniforms were being marched into a tent when he knew the officers were gathered.

He's made his way over to the tent. The canvas tarps were only there to prevent wind and the sun. The tarp being used as a floor was so trampled it might as well not have been there.

The tent was sectioned into several rooms. The smell of sweat permeated every surface, and the dim light wasn't helping him identify the cluster of people sitting around the officer table.

Several men were yelling in multiple languages. He caught bits and pieces of conversation. He pieced together that the men were captured near the border. They were trying to secure a boat to cross the Mediterranean.

He looked over their items taken from the men. He unrolled a map. It was of the Mediterranean Sea area and lines were drawn all over it. A soldier stomped into the tent and blew open the flaps to the prisoners; they were handcuffed to a table and their faces looked grim. The commanding officer was about to enter.

"Ah, McDuck, is there anything you need me to ask them to help with your mission?"

"Can you ask about the map?" He held it up.

The commander nodded and headed in. He looked it over as the Commander integrated them. A major walked out and asked for the map to 'jog their memory'. He handed it over and stepped outside to get some fresh air.

The Major retrieved him after about an hour. This time the tent was empty and a sharp smell of iron cut through the air. The Major stopped outside the interrogation room and motioned him in.

He stepped in. One man was sitting chained to the table and didn't dare look at him. The tarp was splattered in a substance that he knew was blood. The Commander smiled at him and leaned against another table that held water and the map. He swallowed. He had never seen anything this cruel in all his years of traveling.

"I believe this is your man. He was looking for," the Commander fumbled for the name. "What did you call it?"

"T-the Third Eye Diamond," the man whispered with a stutter.

The Commander looked like he might hit the man so Scrooge intervened.

"Get out!" he stomped.

"You're pulling rank on me?" The Commander blinked.

"Yes I am. Now out!"

The Commander huffed and mumbled something about reporting him to higher ups but followed orders. Scrooge turned to the man and he softened his demeanor.

"Alrighty, lad. What are the lines on the map?" he asked.

The man looked confused so Scrooge retrieved it and unrolled the map on the table. The bottom corner slowly turned red and they both ignored it.

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