The Golden Pain of Dawson!

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A/N: Let me know if there's any holes. I always get pardoned when I post. 🥲


He didn't go to bed. He mulled over calculations and strategies until dawn. He woke up to a cold breakfast on his desk. The door cracked open. Beakley walked in the door, sitting lunch on his desk, picking up breakfast.

"You didn't touch your breakfast? Are you alright?" He glanced at the tray. It held one of her dishes, he realized, which hadn't been the case in weeks. He wondered where ____ was and if she had slept in. She looked over his papers, trying to decipher them. "Scrooge, is something wrong?"

"Nothing's the matter. I just remembered something."

"I know when you're lying," she mused.

"Oi! I am not!" he sounded like a child. He straightened himself and his papers. "Thank you for the concern, but I am capable of handling myself."

"Is that why Donald demanded I pull out your tux?"

"He did what now?" he narrowed his eyes.

"He arranged for you and the boys to go to Flintheart Glomgold's Gala tonight. Personally, I think it has something to do with your personal life?"

"Personal life?" He reached for the fresh cup of tea.

"A one Ms. _____." He choked on the drink.

"If that's all, Bentina," he turned back to his paper.

"So it is," she chuckled. "Well, glad to know you've moved on from that thief."

"Thief?" he looked up. Beakley raised an eyebrow. "You mean Goldie? I haven't heard from her in years."

"Oh, so it won't matter that she is on the guest list for tonight."

His eyes widened and he spoke a little too quickly, "She is?"

Maybe she would remember ____ or help him understand how he had forgotten. Plus, Goldie was always a good excuse for an escape to clear his head.

"Well, don't sound so excited. If I never see her again, it will be too soon," she huffed, closing the door behind her.

Scrooge went to his room and got ready. He was mentally preparing himself to see Goldie again. He almost had his head around the idea as he headed to the limo and he saw ____. She was wearing her golden dress that fell to the floor and looked like it was made of glitter. Scrooge was struck speechless as he watched her get in the limo. He wanted to comment but refrained. He stared out the window on the way to the party, wondering how meeting Goldie again after so much time was going to go over.

Launchpad opened the door to the limo, and the kids ran into the museum.

"Lads, wait," he sighed. ____ stood behind him and waited for him to lead the way. He found the kids in the sea of people. ____ on his heels. "There you are. Don't do that again."

"So, why are we at the gala for the Flintheart Glomgold Wing of the Natural History Museum?" Huey asked.

"Ugh, yeah! And look at this tacky setup! Somebody is trying way too hard." Then Dewey switched to a fancy tone and leaned over to a server. "I'll have a Virgin Peach Julep in your fanciest glass, thank you!"

"You're one to talk," ____ scoffed.

"All these trinkets are just from times Glomgold lost to you! A pebble from the lost city of El Dorado, a signed kilt from that fire pit in Crockatoa," Louie pointed out.

"And this, 'Glomasaurus-Rex' is clearly just a bunch of random parts stuck together. Honestly, how could you know it wore a crown?" Huey scratched his head.

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