Fight for Clan McDuck!

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His phone buzzed, and he groaned. He peaked an eye open slightly to see who it was. A familiar number with no caller id screen lit up the screen. Begrudgingly he answered it pulling away from ____ enough to not wake her.


"Scrooge! Ya need fix this blasted castle ya built at once!" He winced at his dad's tone.

"Da, what are ya going on about?" It was to early for this.

"Did I wake ya up? Ya lay about!" Fergus screeched.

"Ya know there's a seven-hour time difference." ____ shifted in her sleep. "What's wrong with the castle?"

"The mist is disappearing."

"Ya called me because of the mist?" He was slightly annoyed.

"No, I called ya because your mother has been on about it for days. The mist only parts every five years, so why has it decided to take a holiday now?"

"Fine. Fine. I come and take a look," he sighed.

"Good." With that, his father hung up.

"Arguing this early?" ____ asked.

"My parents," he explained, looking over at her.

She was in different pajamas than the one last night. He noticed because these were dark and matched the sheets. Last night she had been wearing something much lighter in color.

"Oh, we can't catch a break, can we?" She deflated on the pillow.

"Especially when you go on midnight time traveling rendezvous." She looked surprised that he noticed. Words tried to come out but they failed her. "You're in different pajamas."

"You noticed what I'm wearing?" she asked cheekily.

"I always pay attention to what you're wearing." He leaned over and kissed her, and she tensed slightly. His heart nearly stop but she smiled.

"Mm, that's good to know," she hummed as he pulled away.

"When did you go?" he asked.

"I didn't catch the year." He raised an eyebrow. That wasn't an answer. Her phone buzzed, and she dashed for it. "That's Beaks. He couldn't shut the cameras down. He also hosting a party in Rio."

"It's fine." Scrooge stood. He was already making plans. He hated his house was compromised, but he wasn't looking a gift horse in the mouth. "We'll head to my parents and reconnect there."

"Willing going to your parents?" she laughed.

"Father called and said mother was worried. Besides, the manor is compromised. Might as well check it out."

She nodded and headed downstairs. The next time he saw her, they were both dressed, and she had made breakfast.

She bounced back to boys, who were making a plan to snatch another Missing Mystery. A family heirloom of the McDuck's. The flight seemed to go by faster now. Webby narrated our drive through the bog.

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