His Gal, Friday!

172 12 7

July 1949

A/N: The title His Girl Friday is an ironic title, because a girl "Friday" represents a servant of a master, but Hildy is not a servant in the film, but rather the equal to Walter. The world in this film is not determined by gender, but rather by intelligence and capability.
His Girl Friday: An efficient and faithful female assistant.
Thank you @zentthefirst for your help!!

It had been an annoying long flight. He quickly unpacked, hung up clothes, and stuffed his suitcase under the bed. He went back downstairs and waited through a protocol meeting and was thankful he could finally get some sleep. The jet lag was getting to him but he didn't want to admit it.

It was an amazing surprise when he found ___ asleep in his bed. He froze when he saw her and almost thought he was seeing things. He pulled off her shoes and jacket and tucked her in. He was so excited; that he couldn't sleep. He watched ____ for hours. Her eyes slid open.

"What do I owe this pleasure?" He kissed her hand.

"Scr-crooge?" She blushed and he raised an eyebrow.

"Were you expecting someone else?"

"Never." She smiled and he leaned down to kiss her.

"Mr. McDuck, we need you, oh!" Sally-Susan-Someone walked in the bedroom door, then spun on her heel.

"I'll be out in a minute, doll." She shut the door, and he looked back at ___ who looked disapproving. "I am sorry about that, Love."

"I'm getting used to it." That confused him. Use to what? "Don't think about it too hard. You call everyone that walks in your bedroom doll? Or just the pretty ones?"

"That wouldn't be jealousy now, would it? Ya gave me a good laldy last time I called you something other than love, Love." She was pretty admit about the nickname.

"As you deserved, but I was just making sure the men got fair treatment, you know." She said wiggling out of bed. "What year is and where are you going?"

"1949 and we are going to meet this new scientist."

"We?" She made my way over to the wardrobe.

"Ya coming with me to keep me awake while he's talking." He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her.

"No, you are going to meet Dr. Ludwig. Do me a favor and keep him busy. I am going to steal his stuff." He hummed as she inspected the response clothing and made sure she picked out his clothes. "1949. Why does that sound familiar?"

"Stealing doesn't sound like you." He looked at her.

"He messed with my head. I'm messing with his shit. It's payback." She shrugged it off. She pulled out some of his clothes. "Please tell me, this place has a bathroom."

"That's more like ya," he chuckled and pointed to a door behind her.

She went to leave, but he held her hand, pulling her back into a kiss. She leaned into it for a second but then pulled away.

He suffered through the lecture, for ___. He forced himself to come up with questions to keep the time dragging. It was the standard information on a mission but the extra security was because it was the Queen. It didn't help the thought of ___ walking around in his clothes or the young blonde in the corner making swooning faces at him. After they couldn't extend the meeting any longer he approached the blonde- Susie?

"Can you tell Ms. Gander to meet me in the east wing?" He could see the hate rush to her face and he found it amusing.

He dodged out of the building and found an empty conference room. He waited for _____ to make her way down the twisting hallways and staircases and grabbed her as she passed. He pulled her into the dark room and pressed her against the wall with a kiss. He held her in place and smirked.

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