Come on Snake, Let's Rattle!

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Late October 1949

A/N: (The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. McDuck! chapter.)

Come on Snake, Let's Rattle!
Meaning: (Noun): More military slang. This term means let's fight and/or let's dance.

Scrooge was pleading to whatever deity could get him out of this meeting. He wasn't even on call for the Buckingham missions. It would've been a typical security detail if Jack the Tripper didn't have everyone on high alert.

He wasn't even on the team; he'd just happened to be drugged at the last minute as extra eyes and ears. Technically, the Queen had requested him but he didn't care. He tapped the envelope he received, as loud as he could on the stainless steel table, hoping someone would kick him out.

The door creaked open in the back of the room and the agent locked eyes with him. The newcomer held up a hand to the presenter.

"I'm sorry to interrupt Agent J but can I borrow McDuck for a moment?"

He didn't wait for permission. He grabbed his jacket and bolted out of the room. They took off down the hall before he knew what was going on.

"I owe you, lad. Agent 13 isn't?"

"Yes, sir but I'm afraid you won't like what I have to tell you," he grimaced.

"Oh come, lad. It can't possibly be that bad," he beamed. Nothing was as bad as that meeting.

"I saw your girl."

He paused. He had seen ____? This day was only getting better.


"At this crummy little pub a few blocks out."

"What are we doing here?" He pulled the agent to a car before he could protest.

They made their way to the place and the man kept glancing at him.

"Eyes on the road and step on it." He pushed his head forward.

"Sir, I have to tell you something," the agent started. "She was all over the fella she was with."

"What?" he blinked, confused.

The first thing she usually did was find him. If she was trying to get in close with this man he must've been trying to extract information.

"The man was acting very suspicious, as well. He was unnaturally lucky and she was already pretty drunk when I left."

"I don't think I've ever seen her drink," he chuckled.

It had to be an act. Though from the look on Agent 13's it wasn't. He readjusted his demeanor.

The car stopped and he jumped into the ally. It was lined with small shops on either side. They were decorated with pumpkins and fake blood for Hallows Eve. He could tell from the outside of the building it was a shady pub for illegal dealings.

He choked on the smoke and his spats stuck to the ground as he walked in. Frank Swanatra blasted from a hidden speaker. People spotted the seats at the bar. The rest of the patrons were huddled around a card table. Something was out of place.

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