Hare Today, Gone Tomorrow!

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December - 1887

The noise of the northern bound train was slowly driving him mad. He had been on the bloody machine for several days now. He knew it would've been slower on foot after all the train didn't need breaks for water or to sleep like a horse. He grimaced and sipped his now very cold tea, stewing on what he was doing.

He couldn't believe he was following a woman. No. He was tracking a thief through this frozen hell for what was his. He was so mad he could spit. This line of thinking had been going on unbroken for several days now.

He was in the dining car alone at the moment. The rest of the passengers were readying to get off at the next stop or sleeping. He couldn't sleep with his mind racing.

The cart shook slightly more than it should and he grabbed the armrest. When he blinked away the spilled tea from his face he stared back at the previously empty seat across from him. He blinked at the woman.

"Soup! I'm starving. Do you mind?" She reached for the spoon without waiting for permission. He had completely forgotten the meal.

"Help yourself," he snarked.

She chuckled as she ate. He recognized her but she was healed and older but not by much. Her clothes were odd and her hair was pulled out of her face though not in a nice manner. What really threw him was, on her hand a golden band sparkled; a wedding ring he realized.

"You're that human I met in Norway," he said dumbly.

"Hmm," she said through her bite of soup. "Oh yea."

"____, right?"

She grimaced but she nodded.

"Where ya heading?" When he didn't answer she motioned to the train. "I know you. This isn't a joy ride."

"I'm after a pilfering pariah pauper who stole all my gold." He regretted pounding the table because it caused the soup to spill and tea to splash on him again.

"Sounds fun. Can I tag along?" she hummed.

"Last time all you wanted was to get home." He was confused. Did she like being in the past or not?

"To be fair. I thought I blew up my nieces." She shrugged and took another bite. "Plus, this time I have a functional time machine."

"Unless you can make this blasted train go faster there's no adventure here, las."

"You're Scrooge McDuck!" She beamed. "There's always adventure nearby."

"Not this time. I have a mission." He had to stay focused.

"Yes, stopping the pilfering pariah pauper, I heard," she hummed disappointedly. "Where is this person?"

"Dawson," he gritted out.

She choked on the soup and wiped her mouth.

"You're chasing Goldie?"

"Of course, you know her," he scoffed.

Great. They were probably working together in the future. Or something just as ridiculous.

"Yes, I've had the displeasure," she chuckled.

Then again maybe not.

"What did she do to you?" he asked, eyeing her.

"Exist." He chuckled as she finished off the soup. "What'd she steal?"

"Nothing of consequence," he lied.

"Then why chase her?" she snapped.

He paused at her tone. It made him feel guilty.

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