Suck Gas, Evil Doer!

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"Are ya alright Unca' Scrooge?"

He coughed awake to his nephews faces, only they looked younger than he remembered. They parted to let him sit up and he blinked at his surroundings. It was the mansion, only it was an older version. He had done several remodels because the place seemed to be a target.

"Don't scare us like that Unca' Scrooge!" He looked towards Dewey, who was wearing a blue baseball cap.

"Yea! And when did you get a new coat? I like it!" Huey beamed.

"What are you lads rambling about?" Scrooge held his head. "Where's ____?"

"Who?" - D "Are you feeling alright?" - H "Oh boy! How hard did you hit your head?" - L

"There you three are!" Scrooge looked up and locked eyes with himself. Well a version of himself dressed in blue. They blinked at each other then the other him motioned the boys away. "Stand back, lads! Who are ya?"

The boys ran to the man in blue, who raised his cane.

"I'm Scrooge McDuck," Scrooge said, standing. He picked up his hat, dusted it off, and placed it on his head.

"No, I'm Scrooge McDuck. That makes ya an imposter or a liar," his double challenge, taking a fighting stance. Then he looked over his outfit and eased up slightly, "Or yar from a different dimension."

"Yes, I'm from a different dimension. We were sucked into a portal and I woke up here." Before anyone could unpack that statement, a blink of light formed a lump of groaning boys. He ran to them, "Lads!"

Dewey jumped up, "That was awesome! Ten out of ten, would do again!"

"Uhh, did I hit my head? Because I'm seeing double." Louie rubbed his head, taking in the room.

"I don't think where in Kansas anymore," Huey hummed.

"I thought the key was broken so he couldn't pull things from dimension anymore?" Louie asked, standing up.

"It is but," Huey made his way over to a ____ backpack that had been spit out with them. Scrooge hoped she hadn't been pulled here. "He sent us to a different dimension. Specifically the one where Aunt ____ pulled the JWG form."

"You found our Woodchuck guide!" Their Huey ran over to him. "This has been missing for days."

"Missing? It disappeared out of my hand a week ago," the younger Dewey complained.

"Week? We've only had it a few hours. If that," Louie looked concerned.

"If this doohickey of yars sucks things into yar universe how did ya get sent here?" the other Scrooge asked.

"The more important question is how are we going to get back?" Scrooge looked at the spot where boys had appeared.

Scrooge wished if ____ was here she would get to the mansion soon. She would have given him a reason to stop pacing the floor at least and be another head to bounce ideas off. The two Scrooge's tried but found themselves thinking in circles. So they turned to pacing, which the carpet revealed the other Scrooge seemed to do shamelessly. The sets of triplets had huddled as far apart as the couch would allow. They seemed unsure of each other.

"Okay, this is freaky," the little Dewey said to his brothers.

"Yeah, worse than the time that we made that clone," their Huey responded.

"At least we knew what caused that," the little Louie added.

"You mean you did?" the younger Huey crossed his arms.

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