She's fAmiLIAR!

376 16 26

Late October - 1887

Blood rushed to his head as he tried to figure out how he had gotten into this predicament. Not much could draw him away from the promise of gold, except the promise of gold in a warmer climate. He hope after finding this bounty he'd be able to swim in it. Though finding a map with a bright red X marking the supposed missing treasure of the Manso Indians should've set off a warning bell. It would next time.

He was still riding the high that came from the small fortune he had found in the Klondike. 50 grams that he wore around his neck that he keep safe and show off when the mood struck.

Now he was watching the leather bag swing back and forth in his face. If he ever saw those pesky pricks again, he'd skin them. He reached for the knife in his pocket. Before he could figure out how to cut himself down, someone one snatched the bag off his neck. He grabbed for it too late.

"I never thought so many people would fall for this," the blond spun and smiled at him. He recognized her instantly.

"It's you!" He didn't need to strained to remember it. Her name was very unique. "Goldie. From what was the name of that awful place? Dogson?"

"Dawson," she offered then laughed. "I recognize that accent, Scroogie. What are you doing this far south?"

"Looking for the lost treasure of Manso Indians. What about ya?"

"It was the first stop on the railway that didn't have snow anywhere in sight." Goldie propped herself on the wall.

"Are ya gonna let me down or ya just going to stare?"

"Would you mind if stared?" She gave a wicked grin, but Scrooge's blood pressure was through the roof and he could hardly think straight.

"Let me down!" He swung his fist wildly cause the rope to spin him.

"Alright, ghesh." She pulled the end of the rope and he landed on his head. "Happy."

"Aye," he spat with a bucket of sarcasm. He stood and dusted himself off. "Ya set up this elaborate ruse to steal people's gold?"

"It's not stealing. It's payment for service rendered." Scrooge stared at her. "I don't let them down till they pay or I leave 'em for the birds. Oh, and I didn't set it up. I just took over after the previous owner jumped in the river."

"Jumped in the river?" he asked.

"He tried pulling it on me. Only I didn't wait till morning like most folks and caught him setting the rig. I chased him to the Rio, and he just jumped." She shrug, looking over the bag.

"Just jump?" he repeated in disbelief.

"He might've been provoked." She smiled and patted her holster.

"As interesting as this story is, I'll have my gold back and be on my way, now." He reached for the bag.

"What? No way! I stole it fair and square!" She swung it wildly away from him.

"I thought you didn't steal?" he challenged.

"Same difference!" she pouted.

"This doesn't have to get ugly." He set his jaw.

She smirked back. "Of course it does."

Scrooge had never hit a woman before, but there was a first time for everything. He punched her in the gut, making her stubble back.

"You hit me?" she sounded surprised.

"Ya didn't give me much choice, las."

She growled and tackled him to the ground. Her knees pinned him in place and she brought her fist down towards his face. He rolled to the left, knocking her to the ground. He staggered and got to his feet. She jumped up and turned to face him. He rushed her, using his shoulder to slam her into the canyon wall. He reached for the sack of gold. She had managed not to drop in the struggle. She tossed it in the air and it landed on a ledge a few feet up.

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