HERe Again?!

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He awoke to the sound of the door bell ringing. He rolled over and remembered why his back-ached and he felt like he had been sleeping on the floor. The monitor showed ____ slowly walking down the hall towards the front door. One of the smaller screens enlarged and showed a very familiar looking parrot and rooster as they rang the doorbell again.

He looked at Goldie. She gave him a small sarcastic wave that meant "Yea, still here".

"What's going on?" he managed.

"Well they brought us food, if you want to call it that." She nudged a tray of bread and water towards him but she knew that's not what he meant. "____ doated on the nerd till morning then disappeared into Webbigail's room till now. Guess she fell asleep."

"None of the main bedrooms or bathrooms are not equipped with cameras. The twins' old one is the only exception. You'd be impressed by what they would get into," he shook his head.

"So we can't see in your or ____'s bedroom," she hummed.

He narrowed his eyes. After a second, she looked exasperated and looked away blushing.

"Don't be crass!" She shifted. "I just mean he's not really a take no kinda guy."

"I know." He gritted his teeth and shifted.

He didn't want to think about it. He couldn't. He had tried to prevent this for so long. Now that it was happening and he was powerless to stop it he couldn't stop thinking over every mistake that led him here. He was just going to watch _____ get hurt.

_____ opened the front door.

"____, mi amiga!" Panchito hugged her and spun inside.

"Panchito," she laughed.

"Senhorita," José kissed her hand.

The kiss didn't even seem to bother him now that he knew who was going to hurt her. It was going to be him. A poor copy but him nonetheless.

"José," ____ smiled.

"What is this?" Nega-Scrooge glared, walking down the stairs.

"Viejo anciano Scrooge, we came to see Donald!" Panchito said, beaming.

From Nega-Scrooge's reaction, this impromptu visit wasn't on FOWL's docket.

"Guys, it's good to see you, but it's not a good time. We're sorta in the middle of something," ____ explained.

Scrooge wanted them to stay. The more people in the house the better. It would mean more people to distract _____. He should know. The kids were always pulling her away.

"No worries, minha linda amiga. You can pretend we're not here," José beamed.

"Aye, we will go bother Donald now. Adios." Panchito waved, and they disappeared down the hallway.

"They should leave," Nega-Scrooge grumbled.

"Don't be rude. Panchito and José can handle themselves." He glared at her. "Why are you grumpy?"

She noticed his mood. That was a good first.

"I was waiting for you to come to bed last night." Nega-Scrooge wrapped his arms around her.

Scrooge cringed. He knew it took a lot for Goldie to hold her tongue. She knew that the sight hurt him and despite her flaws she never did anything intentionally to harmed him. _____ was a different story.

"I got held up." ____ quickly added, "Webby needed me."

"Oh. The lassie alright?" Nega-Scrooge asked like he cared.

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