In Little Boxes!

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He blinked awake in a cell. A woman sat across from him, hugging her knees. He scrambled to stand, raising his fist. She scoffed but didn't make a move. He recognized her immediately.

"Goldie?" He lowered his fist.

"Duh," she rolled her eyes. "It's about time you woke up."

"How long have I been out? What are you doing here? What have those fraudulent feigned frauds up to?" The questions rolled off him.

Laughter filled the room beyond the cell. He walked to the edge. Heron leaned against a desk with a giant monitor above it. The screen was split into several sections, flipping through various cameras of the bin.

"You're up just in time for the games to begin!" Heron gestured to the screen.

On the monitor, the largest section of the screen was dedicated to ____. From the state of the simi-organized desk, she clearly had been doing paperwork. She thumbed the lock on the bottom drawer. He wondered if she knew what was in it. He wasn't the only one surprised when it popped open.

"We'll guess she knows some secrets even I'm not privy to," Bradford said.

Scrooge hadn't seen him enter. He narrowed his eyes at the buzzard. Before they continued, his doppelgänger walked into the room with ____ and she slammed the drawer shut. The combination was the day they met and ____ was the only one, besides himself, that knew it.

"What are you looking for?" Nega-Scrooge asked.

"A pen to do this paperwork." ____ patted a stack of paper, despite them sitting in the signed box. "You know, for this little business, we run."

"I'm aware," Nega-Scrooge hummed.

"I thought you might have forgotten, seeing as how we've been going non-stop since your COO quit." ____ was clearly pissed.

"You mean jumped in a helicopter laughing like a jackal?" Nega-Scrooge chuckled.

"I think that was Black Heron?"

"Was not!" Heron protested.

Nega-Scrooge cupped ____ face and leaned closer. Her face flashed with anger and annoyance as Dewey and Huey busted open the door. Della walked in behind them. Nega-Scrooge turned to them with a fake smile. They recounted their adventure.

He had a chance to look around the cell. It wasn't much. There some blankets are tossed in the corner, white walls, a white floor, and of course, Goldie who looked extremely malnourished. She had been in here a while.

He was relieved to hear they got the stone in their protection. Though he couldn't wrap his brain around why ____ would be mad at him. He was glad she didn't kiss that fraud, but she pulled away. But she had done it because she was mad and not because he was a fraud. He toned back in, at the sound of her voice.

"Huey. Dewey. Go find Donald. Scrooge, Della, and I need to talk." ____ waited for them to leave. Then she turned to his double. "Scrooge, tell me you've changed your passwords since Bradford's sudden leave of absence."

Mentally, he cursed himself. Bradford looked at him and chuckled.

"Oh, she's smart. I was going to wait for the whole family reunion, but this will work," Bradford chuckled and smashed a button.

The screen lit up red from the emergency light and the three people on the screen tensed and looked at the ceiling. Bradford clicked the button on the microphone on the desk.

"Well, this revival was a tad premature," Bradford said into a microphone.

"What do you want, sourpuss scavenger?!" Della asked.

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