The Association of Status Seekers!

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Con Vịt was the most expensive restaurant in town and eating before noon wasn't appetizing but he knew that was where his most potential clients where most likely to be at this hour. He pretended to be interested in the menu until a something behind it shifted.

He dropped the menu to the table. ____ sat across from him looking scared. She slide down in the seat and put a curse. He hadn't expected that.

"Good morning to you too, Love."

She straightened.

"Sudden stop," she excused herself. "Are you meeting someone?"

"Not particularly." He picked up his drink. The only thing he stomach at this hour.

"Are you drinking?" she asked.

"The sell of alcohol is illegal, Love," he hummed, avoiding a lecture.

"Prohibition? Seriously?" She shrugged. "Makes sense, I guess. Should end soon."

"Well, the laws have changed so many times in the past ten years hardly anyone pays attention anymore." He offered knowing she would refuse it. He took another sip. "It's called a Mamosa. A little sweet for my taste."

"So why the fancy restaurant?" she asked, looking around.

"Business tactic." He sat the drink down. "I figured if I want rich clients. I needed to fit into rich society."

"By drinking for breakfast?" she asked. She always had a unique perspective.

"It helps," he laughed. He knew he had to explain. "Consumption of alcohol is not illegal. Though I believe this is called brunch. Preposterous really. It's just another reason to eat without feeling guilty."

"Well, if this you practicing small talk, then you're failing. Most people don't like to be insulted for their ideas." He scoffed and drank his drink.

"Ma'am," a server approached them, "there is a dress code."

A few people were watching them. He recognized several of them from the Association of Status Seekers. They grumbled. Scrooge furrow his eyebrows and ____ spoke before he could.

"If I didn't pass the dress code, why did you let me in?" He held in a laugh. The server didn't know how to respond to that and floundered.

"She's with me." He waved him off. The server must have just recognized him because they bowed out immediately.

"Yes, well, I apologize. My mistake." They backed away.

The other people eating went back to their business. ____ was fumming.

"He was just doing his job, Love," he said, pulling her attention back to him.

"He was doing those snobs dirty work. That's the kind of people you want to attract," she asked, picking up a piece of bread. "You don't have to expose yourself to them to have good clients."

He hesitated. He thought she would be use to him having high end clients. "It's good for business."

"If you say so." She played with a breadstick. She looked like she was in deep thought.

"When did you come from?" She looked up at him. "You looked cornered when you saw me, and you seem distracted."

"I couldn't sleep and I thought it was broken, so I was doing a quick test." She stuffed the Time Turner in her bag.

"Why do you think that?" he asked but he was more focused on the fact she wasn't staying long. He had to plan accordingly.

"I'm the only one that can use it, but someone else did."

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