The Secret(s) Of Castle McDuck!

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Scrooge thought maybe there might be something at Clan McDuck that might help fight Magica. He disliked the thought of dealing with his father, but there were four days till the eclipse and that house held many secrets. So he loaded up the plane to head to Scotland. He left Donald mostly because he didn't want to deal with the lad and partly because he didn't want to avoid the "where's Della?" question from his parents.

"Are we visiting your parents?" ____ asked, adjusting position.

"Unfortunately," he sunk farther into his seat.

"I'm sure it will be fine." She was trying to comfort him and he appreciate it but he was overwhelmed between Goldie's attempt to get into his head and the promise of seeing his father soon.

"You don't know my parents." She smiled at him and he could've kissed her.

He couldn't take it. He stood violently and went to the cockpit. She was killing him in the little things she did. He just wanted to hold her.

The kids and ____ packed in the back of the car. He took shotgun as Launchpad drove down the dark roads that lead the castle. The fog seemed to grow thicker with each turn they made. No one had spoken the entire ride, which was on the verge of three hours now. He might've letting his emotions impede his actions and scaring them. He sighed and decided to give them a proper warning.

"Remember lads, no sudden movements, no eye contact, and if you're cornered, the heartless heathens will give you no quarter." Okay, they were warned.

"This does not sound like a fun trip," Louie muttered.

"Misty moors, vague warnings, sneaking out behind Uncle Donald's back. Can you please just tell us where we're going?" Huey asked.

"The less you know, the better," he deflected.

That was the end of the discussion. The kids grew quiet again. And ____ was staring a hole in the back of his head.

"Chin up guys. I'm sure it won't be that bad," ____ said.

Scrooge wasn't sure if she was speaking to him at the boys. Though, he was glad to know she cared for him, even if she didn't love him. However, this left him with his thoughts of the past and he miss the stone gate that usually marked the point of no return.

With Launchpad driving, he should have been expecting a sudden stop. However, it appeared but neither him nor ____ were because Scrooge slammed into the dash and ____ landed between him and Launchpad.

"Found it," Launchpad said.

Scrooge open the door and held it for ___ as she righted herself. She didn't look at him, but he could see she was embarrassed. She climbed out, rubbing her head. He wonder if she was okay but didn't have time to ask, but there was the pressing matter of his parents.

"Launchpad, hide the jeep in the moors," he ordered as we got out. Launchpad started moving the car. Scrooge turned to the kids and explained, "Every five years the mists of Dismal Downs part enough to reveal the home of the lost treasure of the Knights Templar. Brace yourselves, kids. Primordial menace lurks here, the most treacherous terror I've ever faced."

"Oi! Jettison that jalopy for my driveway this instant, you dead beat!" Scrooge groaned at the sound of his father's voice.

"Daddy. Mummy." He spun to face them.

"Scroogey!" His mother ran down the steps and nearly broke something into a bone crunching hug. He strained to dodge a kiss, and then she threw him to the ground.

"Son," his father glared down at him.

"Ooh! Look at your wee bairns, finally to meet ye'!" His mother cried, trying to hug them.

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