Lets Get Dangerous!

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Scrooge couldn't sleep. Normally on his more restless nights he would watch ____ sleep but ____ was down the hall asleep in her bed when she could be in his. He thought he had made it clear that they could share. He forced himself to breathe. He was being a brat and she wasn't ready for that.

He couldn't stand it. He made his way to his office. His mood instantly changed when he saw the date. He didn't even have to clear his schedule because it was open. He wanted to do something special with ____ and lunch sounded good. He called his new assistant for ideas and made sure the place had the champagne he wanted. The place she suggested he had never heard of, but she said it was good and had the drink. He went to get his tea.

"Fine by me."

____ clicked a button on her phone as he walked in. Beaks rambled in the background as he kissed her cheek.

"Good morning, Love!"

"You're in a good mood. I thought after last night you would be brooding." She pulled the pancakes off and poured more.

"Why would you think that?" If it hadn't been today, he would've. But how did she know?

"Just the thought of a magical being under your roof and all." He was on guard. She was a magical creature and this could backfire.

"I'm not against magical beings just using magic as a shortcut." She hummed, not believing him and retaliated by hanging up on Beaks.

"Heeey! Now he's going to blow up my phone, thanks." He snatched her phone. "Scrooooge."

"Who?" He held the phone just out of reach. She attempted to grab it back.

"Beaks. He wants a meeting at ten to talk about our tech collaboration."

"The company can run itself for a day," he stated. He didn't have to clear his schedule because nothing was scheduled. He had been planning to spend the day with ____ as long as he could remember.

"It's my meeting, not yours." He beamed at that. If they work together. They could see more of each other.

"So you've decided to take my offer? We should celebrate with a nice lunch or dinner." He hummed, pulling out his phone like he didn't know where he wanted to go. "What about Anatra?"

"Who are you and what have you done with Scrooge McDuck?" She pointed the spatula at him. He chuckled and stepped closer to her.

"I do need to run by the Bin. We can go after your meeting," he smiled to himself.

"That didn't answer my question." She turned back to the pancakes.

"It's just lunch, Love." She wasn't used to him spending money on her. He would give his whole fortune if it meant she would stay by his side. Still, he played the part of the greedy penny pitcher because she wouldn't want anything to burden him. As if that were possible. "I can always write it off as a business expense."

"Really? You would scoop to fraud?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Not fraud if I am taking my business partner," he whispered in her ear.

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