Marital Dispute!

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Scrooge was in and out of sleep. Every time he woke up he checked the screens. It was late when something actually caught his attention.

He could tell from the way Nega walked out of the room the man was pissed at something. He hoped his family would stick to their usual habits and sleep in.

Unfortunately, the triplets were up early. Thankfully they never crossed paths with grumpy duck. Beakley cooked breakfast. She didn't speak to them but he could tell she was eavesdropping on their conversations. They had decided to go to the ridiculously overpriced restaurant slash oddity shop for the day.

Beakley's phone buzzed and she quickly checked it. She grabbed the broom and snuck towards the door that led to the dining room. She brought the broom handle down as the door swung open.

Isabelle flipped but the broom clipped her arm.

"Owe!" the woman moaned, rubbing her elbow."That wasn't the warm welcome I was expecting."

"What are you doing here?" Beakley said, not putting the broom down.

"We both know you can take me out without that and it just makes you look silly. Do you mind?"

Beakley put the broom down, eyeing her. Nega-Scrooge walked in and immediately hesitated. His eyes narrowed at Finch.

"About time you showed back up," Nega-Scrooge attempted a smile and failed.

"I was busy. I found the local FOWL hid out in Duckburg," Finch said.

"That's not the only thing you found. You were the source of security leaks," Beakley sneered. She turned to the impostor. "Go get ____. She needs to hear this."

Finch shifted uneasily and Nega-Scrooge didn't seem thrilled to be taking orders. The man slunk upstairs to ____'s room and he wanted to jump through the screen right then.

His attention was pulled away from the screen. There was yelling and eggheads ran into the room and looked around. They didn't find anything and left without a word. Things went quiet after a moment. ____'s voice snapped his attention back to the screen.

"What's going on?" ____ asked, walking in.

"We found a mole," Nega-Scrooge hummed.

"She hacked into our cameras to spy on us before she left and FOWL piggybacked off her signal," Beakley explained.

"It did me no good. I was cut off immediately. They have someone good working for them," Finch huffed.

"Where are the kids?" ___ asked, catching up on the day's events.

"The triplets and Boyd went to Funzo's. The twins, Gladstone, and company are in the boathouse," Beakley listed.

"Alright. What are we doing about her?" ____ asked, immediately assuming she was a threat.

"We hadn't gotten that far, Love. What do you suggest? I know you had some ideas for the magical brat," Nega-Scrooge cooed.

"Scrooge!" Finch made a horrified face.

The monster was playing on Finch's fears of humans and it was working. Though he couldn't believe it, Nega-Scrooge said that in front of Beakley. Maybe Nega-Scrooge wanted to see how they would react or more likely man was too focused on revenge.

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