HEaRt Break!

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He woke up to the military style whistle.

"I'm awake!" Goldie said, flipping up. She blinked the sleep out of her eyes.

Another ear piercing sound came for the monitor and his head snapped towards the screen. Beakley stood over Della, who was covering her face with the pillow.

"Are you drunk?" Beakley asked.

"No," Della mumbled. Beakley snatched the pillow and threw it across the room and crossed her arms. Della looked up at her. "I'm hungover."

"You thought it was a good idea to drink yourself into a stupor the night before a mission?" Beakley asked.

"It was ____'s idea," Della mumbled.

"Of course it was her idea. Let's go ask her then."

Beakley grabbed her shirt and drugged her down the hall. Della didn't fight her. The cameras followed her down the hall.

"How pissed do you think she is?"

"I'm surprised she hasn't threatened physical labor yet," he mumbled.

Webby appeared from _____'s room and he wondered what the Las was doing in there. He watched as she ran down the hall to the air vent. She checked to make sure the hall was empty and disappeared into the vent.

They weren't in ____'s room long. That should've been a good sign but he wasn't sure. Beakley walked back out dragging Della. She shoved her to stand on her own two feet.

"Get a shower and change," Beakely said.

Della hummed in agreement. Beakley didn't wait to see if she actually complied; she marched down the hall to his office. She knocked on the door once and didn't wait for a response.

"Della is out of commission," she said, opening the door. The screen flipped to an empty room. "Surely he's still not asleep."

She marched down the hall to his room. She banded on it. This time she waited until it opened.

"Where's the fire?" Nega-Scrooge mumbled, tying a robe.

"Della is out of commission. We need to come up with a new plan."

"What did she do now?" Nega-Scrooge growled in a tone he usually reserved for when he was mad at Gladstone.

"She's just hungover," Beakley said, slightly stunned.

"I'll take care of this," he grumbled, slamming the door.

Beakley stared stunned for a minute before turning back to the hallway. She made her way to Webby's room and disappeared.

Meanwhile _____ had made her way to the kitchen.

"Aunt ____, are you okay?" Huey asked, walking in.

"I will be fine," she grumbled.

"I wanted to give you this back." He handed her the book. "I tried every decipher method I know, and I got nothing."

"What's this method?" She pointed at something on the stack of papers he was holding.

"The Caesar cipher? It's essentially three letters back and one of the easiest methods. It's a basic one of the first I tried. Although there wasn't any luck with it."

"Alright. Thanks for looking at it, Red," ____ hummed.

"Of course, Aunt ____. Sorry, I couldn't be any more help."

"You did good, Huey."

He ran into the dining room. She  stared at the book.

"Mornin', Love!"

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