Greatest Adventure!

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A/N: I don't usually change the main book to make this OPV work but I did change one part (not much). So sorry but I think y'all will like how this plays out better.


Once they entered Egyptian airspace Della tapped him on the shoulder.

"We're not far now," she said, looking over the plans for the first time. She hummed and he knew she wasn't satisfied.

"What is it?" he asked.

"I trust whatever plan you have laid out but the kids," he cut her off.

"They'll be far away from the fighting," she shook her head.

"You know they won't stay out of it. Just make sure we give them the most protection we can," she said.

The plane dipped. She glared at the cockpit and glared at LP. The lad just gave a wave.

"Las, are you alright?"

"Just jumpy," she said. "I'll be fine."

She looked down at the board and moved two of the tin pieces. She smiled and took her seat.

He called everyone back up and went over the plan again. Della had split the "Tech team" as Dewey had named them. He told Fenton to take Launchpad in through an upper-level exterior window of the right wing while Manny and Gyro entered from the ground, to cover more ground. Dewey corrected their position and renamed them Gyro's team the Geek Squad.

"How far out are we?" ____ asked, yawning.

"Twenty minutes," Della replied quickly.

I led us downstairs to the stack of parachutes. Everyone started putting gear on. Gyro and Fenton went around, handing out small earpieces. ____ fidgeted with hers as eyes darted around the room wildly. She seemed to be trying to focus on something but couldn't seem to find it.

"Love?" he whispered, taking her pack.

"Nothing. It's nothing," she said, still looking around distracted. She frowned at the parachute. "I should know how to do this."

"Love, are you okay?" he asked.

"Still waking up," she laughed. "I'm fine."

He helped her put it on. The sleep left her eyes as he tightened the buckles. She even blushed a bit.

"Alright, when you jump count to eight then pull this," he told her.

She nodded and seemed more awake now.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"Anytime, Love," he said, kissing her cheek.

He took her hand and walked to the back of the plane. Dewey took the controls from Della. He was surprised at the lad's skills. He had steady hands like his mother.

They saddled up in their groups. ____ squeezed his hand and went to stand by Gladstone.

"Ready?" he asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2023 ⏰

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