Forbidden Fountain of Foreverglades!

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The plane landed in the smallest airport outside of Rubelsanto. They were surrounded the second they stepped off the plane by men, who competed amongst themselves for the cheaper offer. Donald was on point in the negation, which wasn't his first choice, but his Spanish was a tad rusty. When his nephew told them the location they desired, they scattered like cockroaches. Expect one man.

The man, who was a native, gave them a look like 'It's your funeral' but said nothing as they walked towards a Jeep. It had long ago lost the battle to the elements, but it cranked on the first key turn. Scrooge looked over the vehicle as the man loaded their stuff in the front seat. The windshield had been removed, and it looked like it might lose a wheel. Despite everything, they piled in the back.

He hopped in the back and ____ sat beside him. Donald sat on her other side. They took off into the dense forest. ____ clung harder with each bounce and bump in the road. It seemed to do little to calm her down. The man took a sudden turn and set Donald careened out the side. On instinct, his nails dug into the carpeting of the seat in front. He waited until ____ pulled Donald back into the Jeep before he let go.

We slammed to a halt in front of an old building. He arranged for the man to be back tomorrow at dusk to pick them up. The driver agreed. He paid him and before he could say another word; the man left in a cloud of dust.

It was as dirty as Scrooge's first thought. The floors were uneven, and the pollen was so thick you could have caught it. Plus, the occupants were grading on his nerves. He pushed past them and stomped up the stairs. He reached their room. He had forgotten he would need a key. He could wait for ____. A couple of high schoolers crowded into the hallway. They started a screaming match and they stank of sweat and sunscreen. He picked the lock and crashed on the bed. After a few minutes, the door opened, and the bed dipped.

"Did you pick the lock?" ____ asked.

"It wasn't that hard," he mumbled a response into the mattress.

She hummed before running a hand across his back. At her touch, he melted. He could've stayed like this forever, but he tensed when a group of teens started chanting outside their window. He moved his head so she could hear.

"Youth is wasted on the young," he growled.

"Come on, it's only a week and I am sure at least some of them have been working hard. Besides, we all need a little time to blow off steam," she argued.

"At their age, I couldn't afford to blow off steam. I had to use it to turn my Uncle Porthole's steamboat because I had a job," he complained.

"I know, but you have to admit you were pretty reckless when you were younger." She rubbed his shoulders, and he relaxed some more. "This is their version of robbing a train with a broken foot."

He scoffed to himself. He didn't want to argue with her. She continued rubbing his back and shoulders for a long moment. It was the most peaceful moment they had had in ages. Suddenly, the bed rose back into place.

"As much as I would like to continue this, I need to bathe." He made an undignified noise, not wanting her to go, and she laughed a little. "I'll be back."

She kissed the back of his head. The bathroom door opened. He hadn't realized he had fallen asleep until he awoke to a loud bang on the door. It swung open and ____ stumbled inside and onto the bed. First, he noticed the smell.

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