sleep talking - natasha romanoff

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It certainly wasn't uncommon for you to talk in your sleep.

In fact, sleepwalking ran in your family, but you hadn't done that in a long time. You had been so stressed that week that you last did it, and somehow your brain thought that meant you needed to get up while you were sleeping. Natasha had been pretty freaked out by that, considering you had just moved in together in the same room on the compound. She handle it like a pro, of course, and after mild distress, you were back in bed.

But, sleep talking, well, that happened more frequently. Sometimes it was in the middle of the night, and Natasha would wake up to you mumbling incoherently before falling back to sleep. Other times, you had full-on conversations with yourself that kept her smiling up at the ceiling all night, amused by what in the world you were talking about.

And other times, like this time, you were able to hold conversations with Natasha. Usually, it happened when the two of you would stay up late. You and Natasha had just finished watching a movie. Well, Natasha finished it anyway. You had fallen asleep about halfway through.

As the movie ended, Natasha smiled down at you, cuddled into her chest. She thought momentarily about just staying on the couch all night, but she figured you would be way comfortable in bed. So, as gentle as she could, she wrapped her arms underneath you and carried you into your shared bedroom.

She set you down on the bed softly and climbed in next to you. Everything was silent for a few moments, and then suddenly, you called out to her.


Natasha shifted, facing you now. She thought she must've woken you up.

"Yes, baby?" She asked, running a hand through your hair.

You mumbled something with a whine and cuddled into her. Due to her vast experience with your sleep talking episodes, she knew she was in for something tonight.

"Hm? Baby?" She asked again, just to make sure you were okay.

"I-I really, just, I just... don't want to, Nat." You mumbled, shifting a bit in her arms.

"You don't want to what?" She asked softly while stroking your arm, trying to coax you back to sleep.

You sighed, exasperated that she didn't understand, "I don't want to go anywhere right now."

She smiled to herself, knowing for sure you were sleeping talking now.

"Okay, my love, you don't have to." She answered simply.

"I- But, I... I just don't want you to leave tonight."

Natasha almost aww'ed out loud, but contained herself.

"I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere." She said while wrapping her arms around you.

You were silent for a few moments, and Natasha thought you went back to sleep, but then you spoke up again.

You sighed, almost like you were annoyed, "I don't want to go anywhere."

Natasha chuckled, "Okay."

"No... Don't laugh at me." You whined. " I just... I want to sleep. I don't... I don't want to go anywhere."

Natasha continued stroking your arm. She realized that she really should try to get you back to sleep.

"Okay, Y/N, baby shhh... just go back to sleep. I love you."

You sighed softly this time, "Okay."


During breakfast the next day, Natasha started talking about the night before.

"Oh, no, did I sleep talk again?" You asked before she even finished telling you about how you fell asleep halfway through the movie.

She laughed with a cheeky grin, "Don't you always?"

"Ugh, Nat, please tell me I didn't embarrass myself completely."

"You didn't. You were very cute, as always."

"One of these times I'm going to say something I'll never be able to live down. Or I'll start walking around the compound again."

She got up from where she was sitting on a kitchen chair and wrapped her arms around you.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you, my love!"

Natasha Romanoff x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now