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Natasha had to go onto yet another mission, your least favourite thing in the world

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Natasha had to go onto yet another mission, your least favourite thing in the world.

You hated when she had to leave on missions, especially when they lasted more than a day. You hated even more the sad little face of your daughter when her mama wasn't there to sing her a lullaby to sleep. You hated reminding to your almost three-years-old that her mama was out there somewhere, fighting bad guys, and you didn't know when she would be back home.

But Natasha hated it even more.

Don't get me wrong, she loved going on mission and be a super hero. But she couldn't be as reckless as she used to be 5 years ago. Natasha as now two reasons the come back home safely. You and your daughter.

Now Natasha was gone for 3 days, for -as far as you know- a mission in Asia.

Your daughter, Cédryna kept asking when her mama was going to come back, and you couldn't even tell her because you didn't know.

"Want mama." Said your daughter, with a pout on her face.

"I know baby, I know." You tirelessly said, holding your daughter in your arms. Her little arms around your neck, and her face inches from yours.

Your daughter let her forehead rest against your mouth. "Play with me?"

You kissed her forehead a few times before turning your head. "Want me to play with you?"

She nodded.

"Okay, let's go, my love." You said while lowering her on the floor.

She ran to her toys in the middle of the living. "No running in the house, Cédryna!"

You followed your daughter and sat crisscross in front of her, where she handed you a little wooden truck. "You."

"I'm the truck and... you are?" You asked, crooking an eyebrow.

She held a plastic horse in her little hand. "Me! The dog!"

You laughed out loud. "No, baby. It's not a dog, it's a horse!"

Your daughter had a hard time learning the animals, but she was getting there. While she wasn't the best with identifying animals just yet, she was so good with numbers and colours.

"Where's the doggy?" She asked, pouting again. She can't stop copying her auntie Yelena's iconic pout.

You let your eyes wander around the floor, finding the dog. "Here, for you little miss."

She took the toy from your hand and suddenly jumped into your arms, making you fall on your back. "You found the doggy!"

"Yes, I found the dog! Lucky me." You laughed from surprise and at the cuteness of your daughter.

On the other side of the door stood Natasha with two bags in her hands, fiddling with the keys in her hands.

"Goddamnit." The keys fell on the ground.

She was so exhausted, the mission wasn't her longest mission at all but it did go sideways, and she couldn't wait another minute to be reunited with her family.

She bent down to grab her keys back, and then she heard your laugh. Your magical laugh, the only thing that could make her day better.

Natasha put the key into the lock and turned 2 times before opening the door.

The sight that greeted her was the most beautiful thing to Natasha.

You were right there, laying on the floor, laughing your eyes out. Your daughter on top of you, hugging you so tight, laughing harder than you.

Neither of you heard Natasha coming back, because of your laughters. But the redhead stood there, two bags in hands, looking exhausted but with the biggest smile on her face.

When your laughter died down, then the redhead opened her mouth. "My beautiful girls."

Both, you and your daughter turned to the redhead, happiness in your eyes.

Your daughter gasped. "Mama!"

And she took off, running in her mama's arms.

You got up, and saw how your daughter jumped in Natasha's arms and how Natasha caught her.

"How's my big girl?" Natasha asked, kissing Cédryna's cheeks.

"Miss mama." She replied, with her iconic pout.

"You missed me?" Natasha asked, smiling, "But you know what? I missed you even more."

Cédryna looked at her mama with big eyes. "Uh-uh."

Your daughter wrapped her arms around the redhead's. "But I also missed your mommy."

Natasha was now looking at you and you were also looking at her. "Hi, honey."

You smiled and walked to her. She wrapped an arm around your waist as soon as she could reach you. "Hey! Are you okay?"

Natasha smiled, looking at you with pure love. "Yeah. I am now."

You smiled too as she brushed your hair behind your ear with the same hand and pulled you towards her with the back of your neck and kissed you. You wrapped your arms around Natasha's waist as best you could, with your daughter still in her arms.

You pulled away, smiling and giving her two small pecks. "I love you."

Natasha Romanoff x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now