compromised - natasha romanoff

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You'd just entered the kitchen of the compound after a long nap when Nick Fury called. Your eyes were still heavy with sleep and your muscules felt tense at the tone Fury gave you.

"Agent Y/L/N, we need you in Germany immediatly," he sounded stern and serious.

"What is it this time?" you yawned into the phone as you turned around to walk back to your room to pack your stuff.

"Agent Romanoff has been compromised."

You stopped walking straightening your posture. "What?" Your muscles tensed at the word. Compromised. It was only a word but it held a lot to it, being called by Fury himself and being told your girlfriend is compromised only means she is considered a threat or is in danger. "What happened?" you asked concerned.

"Get on the jet right now! I'll explain everything on the way."

On the jet, a SHIELD agent gave you your suit and you changed into it as fast as you could not wasting anytime. You made your way towards the front of the jet where Nick Fury and Maria Hill sat. "So what's going on?" you asked breathing heavily from the adrenaline.

Maria handed you a file with a SHIELD logo on it. She continued to speak as you furrowed your eyebrows and looked inside the file.

"As far as we know, they haven't did anything to her."

"We need you to get in the base and get her out," Fury finished, venom poured out of his words, stinging your insides at what possibly could get him this angry.

"How long have they had her?" you asked closing the file and handing it back to Maria. There was nothing in the file you didn't already know. Natasha, Steve and Tony went to infiltrate a HYDRA base but they got a hold of her, doing God knows what to her. "And what happened to Steve and Tony?"

"Steve informed us of the situation and said that we needed to get Romanoff out first, they're still trying to find a way out," Maria explained, turning her gaze from you to the window in front of her. "Last time we heard from them was 5 hours ago..."

"Shit," you whispered as she nodded her head, sucking her teeth. "Okay," You shook your head calculating the duration of the trip. The flight lasted around 4 hours, that meant 9 hours without contact from either Steve, Tony or Natasha. And it meant the bigger the chance of them being dead.

You left Fury and Hill and walked over to check you had all your weapons ready and working. You exhaled as you sat down into one of the seats on the jet. Adrenaline furiously circled your body, waiting for something to happen. Your legs bounced up and down as you reached up to put a light braid in your hair, so it didn't get in your face.

The 4 hours flight felt like it lasted days.

"Agent, we land in 15," Maria shouted from the front of the jet. You nodded your head mentally preparing yourself for the, possobly, long mission ahead of you.

The jet landed near the thick trees. Before you could sprint off the jet, Fury stopped you and handed you your comms device. "Do not die, Y/L/N," he warned, the look in his eye made shivers run down your spine. You knew he saw you like a daughter just as he did with your girlfriend. You nodded your head as you put the device in your ear and sprinted out of the jet into the large forest towards the grey building not far away from you.

Please be okay, Nat.


"I'm in," you whisperd as you were crouching behind some tables, pressing into the device in your ear. You entered through a small vent you found.

The room was small and dark. Medical tables in the middle and dangerous looking machines around the walls. You stood up, checking for anyone who could potentially see you and exited the room into a equally dark corridor. "Um, any idea which side Nat's on?" you asked whoever was on the other side of your comms turning to look behind you.

Natasha Romanoff x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now