long day - natasha romanoff

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After a long day, you sighed softly as you finally sunk into the soft sheets of your king size bed. A soft, autumnal breeze drifted through the barely open window as you struggled to stay awake.

You heard the bathroom door open and looked up slightly to see your girlfriend, Natasha, in only a big t-shirt as she walked over to lay with you.

You smiled lovingly at the sight of her, her beautiful red hair was a bit messy and her movements were slow and relaxed, letting you know that she was just as tired as you were.

She switched the light off and as soon as she climbed into bed, you shuffled over to rest your head against her chest, the steady sound of her heartbeat comforting you.

Natasha kissed the top of your head and carefully wrapped her arms around you.

"Love you," you mumbled almost incoherently, your eyes drifting shut.

"Love you more," Natasha whispered back; you were too exhausted to argue.

Neither of you spoke after that and it wasn't long before you both fell asleep, content and safe in each other's arms.

( Another short one for you guys!)

Natasha Romanoff x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now