i missed you - natasha romanoff (smut)

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G!P Natasha X Female Reader

The hoodie of Natasha is soft against your face, and as you nuzzle your face into the crook of her neck, it feels as though the weight of world is rolling from your shoulders. Her hands are on your waist, tucked beneath the hem of your t-shirt and resting gently over the curves of your hips. As you hum against her shoulder, you feel her shift her fingers, tracing delicate, circular patterns over your skin.

"Your hoodie is so soft," you mumble against her, with a few soft kisses to the base of her neck. Natasha squeezes your sides, bringing her lips to the top of your head where she leaves a lingering kiss to your hairline. "Wish we could stay like this forever."

One of her hands moves away from your waist, drifting up to cup the back of your head. As Natasha's fingers rest over your hair, she uses her other arm to pull you closer. It's a lazy Monday morning, both of you tangled up in sweats and comfy clothes, and the feeling of her warm body pressed against yours makes you sigh contentedly.

"We can stay like this all day?" Natasha offers. She slowly strokes over the back of your head, the gesture full of a gentle tenderness you'd missed. She's been so busy recently, with missions and debrifings, that it's been a while since you've had time to exist like this. Two people, curled up together, wrapped up in dizzying love. "I missed you so much, my love."

You smile against her neck and finally pull back so you can look at her properly. You're resting over Natasha's thighs, straddling her blue sweats comfortable, and your position gives you the perfect opportunity to get a lovely, long look at your girlfriend's face.

"I missed you too," you finally reply, carding a hand through her long hair. With your other fingers, you reach out to cup her cheek, grinning as she presses her face into your palm. "Missed a lot of things about you, actually."

"Yeah? Like what?" Natasha's lips quirk into a lazy smirk as she draws you a little nearer.

"Oh, you know..." As you muse, you let your fingers wander down the bridge of her nose. "Missed hearing your voice and I missed your hugs." She tightens her grip around you. "Missed your lips too."

"You did, did you?" You nod your head immediately. "Well, I think they missed you too."

The laugh that escaped your lips makes Natasha's smile grow wider. You wind both arms around her neck and shuffle closer, finally bridging the distance and nuzzling your lips against hers.

Her lips are warm and gentle, and as they meet yours in a lazy exploration of mutual enjoyment, you find yourself melting against her. Her hands are back on your hips, and they roam the expense of your naked back as her tongue flicks into your mouth, causing you to groan softly. When she drags her fingers up and discovers your lack of bra, she's quick to shift her palms around to the front of your body, holding the curves of your breasts in each hands.

"God, I love you so much," she murmurs, speaking against your lips. The pads of her thumbs brush over your nipples and you gasp into her mouth. "You're so beautiful."

You kiss her with a little more intensity, your heart fluttering in response to her sweet, sweet sentiment. It's early, the both of you had woken up only an hour ago so Natasha's voice is raspy.

As her tongue explores your mouth and your fingers tangle in her hair, you become aware of a building pressure pushing up against your sweats. You starts to grind down against her, enjoying both the friction it provides to your clit and also the way the movement draws deep, desperate whines from Natasha.

Natasha's hands slips away from your chest, and they anchor down your hips. You hum as she guides you, pushing you futher against her crotch as your centers meet. You can feel the outline of her lengh straining up against you, and the sensation makes you grin. "I've missed being inside you." She leaves a kiss just behind your ear, right over a patch of sensitive skin. "Maybe we should do something about that?"

Natasha Romanoff x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now